
I think it's a sense of humor type of thing. The Don't Stop Or We'll Die people hit exactly what makes me laugh, so I love them.

Nice work, loved your song! I had ambitions to make a plugs song once, but like everything I do, it lasted for a few hours while I started gathering materials and Audacity knowledge and then quickly went away.

I think the secret they are hinting at with Analyze Phish (SPOILERS?) is that Chris Kurora, the fifth member of Phish (I mean, he travels with the band, and makes all the same sacrifices), will probably be on the show. Twittels and Kuroda were tweetin' at each other about it.

The "General Cooper" bit cracked me up.



Isn't that the deaf woman from The West Wing?

I don't read Cougar Town reviews, and I don't care about Ryan's feelings, so this plan sounds good to me!

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus is putting on a clinic over here.

Heck, with only two data points, it could be trending downward! There is no way to tell!

Nope, that's the whole thing, and I fucking love it. One of my favorite standup bits. I really don't let Cross when he gets into political shit, but he tell a really good story. I really enjoy people who enjoy those awkward encounters - David Cross going right up to Scott Stapp to see if he knows him, or Tig

I followed the link and I'm still confused!

"Girl, you gotta protect your face!"

This episode made me really miss Sports Night for some reason.

uhhh so excited!

Cary is literally the calmest character ever on TV. He's amazing. He takes everything in stride. I have a huge crush on him.

Kalinda will find a way to sleep with her. Don't you worry about it.

Agreed, hope Robin's guest stint on the show is a long one!

Thursday seems worse. There is too much going on that night!

hey man we all got our battles. you're cheese, i'm a burger king menu item. it's hard out there