
The main problem with Grunge as a label is that the bands it refers to have practically nothing in common, apart from being popular at the same time. The big hitters (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, PJ, Soundgarden…) sounded nothing like each other and had wildly different influences. The common thread seems to have been

"Wow, downvotes!? Wuh!?" Yeah it's pretty much the expected outcome when you post posey, sweeping statements with the obvious purpose of antagonising people.

She's kind of flip flopped on the Tigers thing. Her earlier stuff was covered in their imagery, then when she started getting called out on it, it became: "I do not support terrorist organizations, including the Tamil Tigers". I like some of her music, but the political stuff comes off as more than a little

That's extraordinarily exciting news. Directors of these types of films are usually "fans" of the source material, as opposed to actual fans like Joe Cornish. Jesus, what if these new Star Trek films could actually be good…

Del Toro does one awesome little intimate one, then one Hollywood one. Twas ever so. Crimson Peak up next.

No fuckin way they'd have ever filmed TSK as it's written, let alone TAS. Golden Compass could have been the highest grossing film of all time and it wouldn't have made any difference.

Batman done right is an amazing character, he's just almost never done right. He's certainly never been done right on film (though Keaton didn't do a bad job, as QT rightly says). Proper Batman is a dark, mentally ill, obsessive who is *just about* able to channel this into doing what he sees as good things. That's

Ah now, Shed Seven had some good tunes (and Dodgy had one). Menswear were rubbish though; to Britpop as Bush were to Grunge.

If you're a girl. He just takes his leather jacket off briefly. But then they say "Chang chang changitty chang shoo-bop" and leave in a flying car, and I just can't stay mad anymore.

I can't hate Dirty Dancing. It's pure adolescent bullshit but dayum if it isn't ruthlessly efficient in doing what it sets out to. As a fantasy, (to quote someone else and to massively generalise about the genders) it's totally the female Star Wars.

Grease 2 is a bad, bad film. Grease is ace though.

Nah, Didi Conn was 27 (and it's actually 'Frenchie'.)

Problem with Super 8 is that it was 2 films: that one about the kid missing a parent and that one about the alien. Unlike E.T, the 2 things had nothing to do with each other.

Well at least the description text for those shackles isn't *creepy as fuck*:

Siamese Dream is better than Gish, and there's an album's worth of material on Mellon Collie that is as well.

Siamese Dream is better than Gish, and there's an album's worth of material on Mellon Collie that is as well.

That's your poster quote right there:

That's your poster quote right there:

Unless she's forcing them into the stage an gunpoint I genuinely do not see the issue. If she invites them, tells them they won't get paid and they say yes anyway that's their choice.

Unless she's forcing them into the stage an gunpoint I genuinely do not see the issue. If she invites them, tells them they won't get paid and they say yes anyway that's their choice.