
I don't need to check, this is already the top post on /r/madlads, right?

"Now if only I could find a way to link these ideas together in a logical manner, that respects the characters and conforms to the physical restrictions of time and space…"

Was just thinking about this. Literally all these right-wing pundits have to be is slightly smarter than their audience. They just need to be able know what an idiot wants to hear someone say, and smart enough to realize that that can be a job. I think it's why so many of them crash and burn; they can do the schtick

>but because of who he his and how he went about it as stated in Cole's account.

>his wife isn't any less a woman because he was in a legally binding relationship with her.

There's no relationship between feminism and either promiscuity or marital infidelity. If Joss Whedon has been married to a man and cheating on him with other men (or even a woman married to a woman etc) all the facts of the case would be the same but it wouldn't even occur to anyone to question his feminism.

Taking bets for which track's the shit one he'll inevitably do a self indulgent 25 minute jam version of during every fucking concert.

I wouldn't go that far but I do think that the article is claiming that Joss Whedon has treated women in a way that there's insufficient evidence for.

Eh, I dunno. I get that people are disappointed and I get why, I just think that's leading us down a bit of an unwarranted path.

I feel like we're very much falsely conflating a guy being a huge asshole to his wife, with his art and his politics. If he was married to a man and cheating on him with other men, would he still have to stop calling himself a feminist? And if not, why not, when he'd be being exactly the same kind of unfaithful

No, that doesn't make sense. He wasn't cheating on his wife because she's a woman, he was cheating on her because he's an asshole. The only way this would equate to unequal treatment of the genders was if he also had a husband that he somehow wasn't cheating on. His wife being a woman is incidental to the situation,

If I'm understanding it correctly, the argument seems to be that he was objectifying and taking advantage of the women he was having affairs with. I'm…not sure that follows? Like, what's with:

Lol. What's the 10th life area, penis-having? Super funny how you guys characterize yourselves as the oppressed but all your plans involve preserving the status quo.

"Being a shitty husband invalidates your sociopolitical beliefs and anyone whose politics are different from mine is a bad person. Coming up after the break: more obvious nonsense."

"And instead of saying something with style and grace, I gave a really stupid answer."

Found the actual brit!

Nah, we're apparently at the stage of early internet phenomena cashing in on nostalgic brand recognition.

In related news, the dancing baby just hired a business consultant.

If Kinja doesn't facilitate the passive-aggressive punching up of other people's comments like this I am fucking done.

Fuck's sake. Well that was ten years of cautious optimism well spent.