
Yes, because Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, and Jaws were edifying works of art that were in no way shape or form meant to make money or entertain the lowest common denominator. They were literally magic, with soul.

You mean season 3.

I know 'black don't crack,' but does anyone else think he's looking kinda haggard? Or is the intention to look like Nick Nolte's mugshot?

Jesus tapdancing Christ, I wish I could dedicate myself to anything in
my life as firmly as you've dedicated yourself to defending a TV show
that went off the air over five years ago.

Oh AV Club braintrust, I knew what I was going to find in these comments, and I gotta say, you folks did not disappoint. Between the piling-on of the one person who finally sobered up enough to say, 'Jesus Christ, this blackface is fucking awful and why are we even seeing this' to the two hundred-odd defenses of

They weren't pseudo-grunge - they were perfectly apt descriptors of grunge music. Commercial success does not and never will negate the genre. Sorry if that throws your middle school angst into a different perspective.

It's darker in December, vis a vis solstice.

Meh, OLP was fine. You could do worse as far as Viacom Alternative went.

Hunger dunger dang is nu-metal and a 21st century thing. I'd call this Viacom Alternative. It's about as inoffensive as music gets.

Nope - if all you have is 'watered down grunge' and 'don't like the lyrics' you have extremely weak sauce. This guy is lame.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,here I am…

You must hate the shit out of some Nirvana.

So you're saying you missed out on the next two albums? Sucks to be you, bro, you missed a lot of great songs.

Not all Gen-Xers are or were insufferable pretentious douchebags - sorry bro.

Once again, the people who hate the song turn out to be many times more insufferable than the song itself. How do you folks do it?

That level of self-centeredness is exactly what the show has been doing with both of these characters. We're supposed to overlook it because of how kooky/charming they are.

It was an inevitability that played out exactly according to how the characters wanted it to play out. That's not story. That's a ticking clock. It's was uninteresting.

Where does SHIELD keep getting money for all of these easily crashable sky fortresses? That shit's gotta cost the equivalent of an oil-rich African nation's GDP, and so far they're managing a 100% crash rate!

Sending him back to the past would've made more sense than for yet another Avenger to face a worldwide terrorist threat without the backing of the rest of the team - looking at you, Iron Man 3.

Captain America - a role model for members of the Army Reserve everywhere.