
Oh boy, AV Club revisionist history, in which the thing we now all HATE just happened to be one of the most beloved things around at the time. It's kinda pathetic - Rent is/was a fine musical. Just because some people didn't understand the characters (you can actually love and hate them in equal measure - Maureen for

I used to defend West. Then Yeezus came out. Turns out dude's not a misunderstood artist, dude's just an asshole, a punching-down, half-literate misogynist. Yeezus is a festering turd of the first order with halfway decent production.

The white space burns my retinas - I can't find any reviews I want to read - the layout is shit - there's no organization anywhere…

Bell gets canceled. The show with three white male leads that to date has done two episodes with heavy blackface stays on the air.

That is a fine explanation of why some sequels are worse than the originals. But it doesn't address my central conceit that apparently so many people here are clutching their pearls about - the idea that their beloved 80's comedies and action movies were made not from a singular desire to make us all fondly remember

It's been five years. For all we know Egon did more research and found out that protons are the underlying reason that the packs work in the first place. In any case, I reiterate, who gives a shit?

Please point to the place in any of my posts where I said these movies are equally good. You go ahead - I'll just work on this sudoku while I wait.

Jesus Christ, you people. Movies. Are. Commercial. Products. The relative merit of a movie - good or bad, funny or not - has fuck-all to do with soul, magic, or a lack of cynicism. All movies - every single fucking movie - only get made because the person providing the money to make it thinks it will earn them more

Yes, but when Ghostbusters 2 aired on ABC, they didn't have any 'some kind of rodent' moments, did they? I'd call it an even trade.

We're not discussing art. We're discussing products. These are commercial entities, full-stop. You're
either entertained or you're not. Art, or definitions thereof, doesn't enter into it.

And the rest? Or did Spielberg, Zemeckis, and Dangerfield work for free to bring joy to the masses?

Yep, turns out negative attention is still attention.

Bite your tongue.

The made-up science of a proton pack makes a hell of a lot more sense than an unlicensed nuclear accelerator somehow sending out streams of light that catch ghosts.

On November 12, 2013, they certainly do not. In 1984 and 1989, who knows?

There's no difference, actually. A year after Ghostbusters came out, Larry King could've developed lung cancer and died. Casey Casem could've gone bankrupt and faded into obscurity. Conversely, Bobby Brown could've become the most successful singer of all time.

Have you ever seen a superhero movie before? Or lived in a universe that contains both the E! network and National Enquirer? The only thing we love better than heroes are watching heroes fall. It's like, literally, the entire basis of Western narrative.

Well I guess we're gonna have to take control… from you.

And Michael J Fox was actually choking in the scene where he's hanged. Great stuff.