
That was Redford? I thought it was a saggy garbage bag full of old catcher's mitts.

Wrong-o! Naked karate = worse than the first one.

Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson SOLVED RACISM in that movie, but then Bush the younger came along and fucked it all up for everyone again!

It's that kind of thinking that gave us 'The Golden Compass' as directed by the guy who brought the word 'MILF' into cultural dialogue.

Why do you care about Internet Points?

Why didn't he just activate House Party protocol as soon as he taunted the Mandarin? Because then there would've been no movie.

Iron Man 3 had an adorably neglected moppet sidekick white trash boy, who in the end is rewarded for his faithfulness to an insulting degenerate drunk with a bunch of consumer products BROUGHT TO YOU BY FiOS. So your argument is invalid.

Yes, and 'My friend, this iz not my bird!' puts it over Iron Man 3.

No. There was approximately fifteen minutes of Iron Man so… no. And Sammy Jenkins as the Mandarin… I …. no.

Why is Cap dressed like Cobra Commander?

The idea that the administration was 'gung ho' about Syria is so disconnected from the reality of the situation that I don't even know where to begin.

'The Simpsons' is pretty fucking guilty of perpetuating the 'both parties are the same' cliche so beloved of middle class white men on the internet and the MSM. Anyone who has been paying the slightest bit of attention to the Republican party since 1980 (or FFS, the past year) has to know that the deepest, purest,

Good God, I am so fucking sick of the never-ending whinging about the reviewer.
Can we discuss the content of the goddamn show now, or would you prefer
1500 words every week affirming your exact sycophantic opinions with
occasional sacrifices of junk food and coffee made to an ASP effigy?

With the cancellation of Ironsides, tv somehow became 320% less diverse. For Christ's sake, he was a disabled black guy! If they wrote him as gay, no one could've accused NBC of being a white-washed hellscape ever again!

Ha, it's funny because that was a thing that happened three years ago.

What about Nick screaming at Jess at the top of his lungs and then throwing her property out the window? It doesn't matter that it was junky or cost little money - that was her shit. I'm curious as to why no one thought that scene was straight-up abusive.

And be real - if a guy started throwing your shit out the window, it wouldn't matter how much you liked him, you'd realize this guy is a complete fucking tool.

I don't need another Charlie Kelly. It's enough work ignoring just the one.

Tod Tod Tod Tod Tod Tod Tod Tod Tod…

Jess was a jerk as well.