
I wanted to reach inside the TV and just slap her face when they were at the bank. I was hoping that the guard would taze her, but no such luck.

Because it's boring and turns into white noise past the one minute mark?
Because ten million fucking years of Nick and Jess shouting equals less
screen time for Winston? Because people shouting at each other that
much and at that volume shows a complete lack of respect for the other
person? Because this isn't 'It's

Christ, no. Punk is the pimple on the ass of jazz. It was a fashion statement that released some of the worst music the world has ever heard. It speaks to the whiniest, most entitled aspects of western civilization, and has nothing in particular to say. It was as cynical a creation of managers and record executives as

"We Didn't Start the Fire!"

The single most 'punk rock' thing to ever happened at that place. CBGB is to music as Che Guevara t-shirts are to socialist revolutions.

Punk does a just fine job of making it look stupid all by itself.

"Thuddingly banal" is an excellent way to describe almost all punk music, actually.

@avclub-671246705fbaebc1afba1e1c91fe51bf:disqus  I agree. Best nap I ever had.

@avclub-1e2184e9a38acddfb65b66905ad70f9a:disqus Dave Foley made a pretty convincing woman - more so on Newsradio than on TKITH.

Machete sez, it gets better.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus yes, like the timeless classic, Gone In 60 Seconds (the remake).

Liked for shitting on 'Death Proof' - my god what a terrible movie, with the unspoken implication that those women left their friend to be murdered/raped.

@avclub-912b24a9ce5d432de1e518c3415a657c:disqus So much for Cristos.

The paucity of health coverage for Hispanics in this country is dire, indeed. ACA is projected to help 9 million or so gain access to insurance for the first time, so maybe Machete will be able to get by with dialysis before full kidney failure.

Biting the hand that feeds…

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus at a certain point we're just watching an elderly Hispanic man kill people with gardening equipment.

@avclub-cbe8412e7469c2bba155a2a353401e5b:disqus In fairness, I think most things in life can be categorized as worse than the first Austin Powers and better than the sequels.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus so edgy bro.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus gee, I just thought since you were taking the drunken meanderings of a pathetic man-child as 'comedy,' I similarly thought I could make the leap into talking about how speech works in our society. Harmon makes shitty shitty speech, I and others will rightfully describe

My criticism was almost… pseudo scientific.