Honey Acres

ohgod, I resemble that remark. Maybe I work in your office.

Does anyone remember Kidprint? It was a Blockbuster in-store display in the early '90s where you could videotape your kid, so when little precious was kidnapped, you had a VHS tape to give to the police! So odd and creepy. I just had to get that out. I feel much better now.

I'm very late to the party, but why is Erik Adams' shirt EVERYWHERE in the midwest right now? Is it a national thing? Does it go beyond the America's borders? Let me know. It's so "USA" that he should be dead of patriotism after eating that pizza.

Also, does anyone remember the cable station Trio? That's how I fell in love with Franz Ferdinand, because Trio would play their new video as a bumper in between shows. And they also showed old "Late Night With David Letterman" episodes. Damn, I loved Trio. And FF.

Jeezus, 2004? I was 31. And I went to see Franz Ferdinand in Chicago, and saw Alex on a bicycle on the sidewalk across from Wrigley Field, and I said NOTHING to him. Kept walking for whatever reason. One of my biggest regrets. Ugh. Great show!!!

Definitely. And a few awkward female adolescents (which I was). That core of writers from around '86-'89 really shaped my sense of humor. I owe as much to Merrill Markoe and Chris Elliot as I do to Letterman.

I think Frank and Fred was done as cards held up to the camera.

Holy $#&%! I only know that as a video still storyboard!

Oh, that sweet sweet book! When I was 13 I begged for and got that for my birthday. I love that thing to bits, to this day. The phrase "Touch Me On The D Train" is forever in my head…

First world solution.

I thought, "whoa, he looks like he's imitating Liam Lynch!" Turns out it was directed by Liam Lynch.

Will they film at House on the Rock?

Why is it still on the hoop?

"But his most common, recurring motif is Seth Rogen, who is frequently the sensual, undulating orchid to Franco’s Georgia O’Keefe." That is my koan for the summer. Thank you.

Hey, don't be stereotyping 40-year-old divorced administrative assistants! And I listen to BBC Radio 6 at work, dammit.

Hey, neat horses!

"…we don't carry balloons with us. Like, I'm allergic to latex…" Scary.

Ooo, I love the typo "albumdrag" … it's like a new German word. Dies hat albumdrag!

This sounds like a national org cashing in on the popularity of overnight arts festivals, without involving the "local" part. For instance, Detroit has DLECTRICITY. Very cool. Locally run. No overnight camping (When Milwaukee had Circus Parade camping, that was annoying enough.) Here's some old school placemaking http: