Honey Acres

Yes, this reminds me of that absorbing "Volcano Choir" play at the Pabst Theater … such character development, the dénouement, and that score! It left me with a lot to think about afterwards while strolling one of our upscale river walks. And even into the next day, at the Lake Michigan beach.

Yeah, I don't really "get" Yoko, but I totally appreciate her — I don't think it matters that I don't like her work, and I have no hate. I only hope that when I'm an 80-year-old woman that I am doing what I want and who cares if I'm hated for it. (Seriously, what does she care? She's collaborating on projects. She's

Oh, look, Ma Fischer's. Cool! … … Wait, what the hell am I watching? Is this what we've become? Noooo!!! [gouges eyes out] Agghhh! I can still hear the prattling, but now I can't see the dessert case. Damn. [knocks over "today's specials" sign, stumbles out onto Farwell]

I usually like interactive fun, but this is like being forced to use really fancy Instagram filters on a finished video. It takes me out of it and I end up not really listening to the song. [insert BREAK FREE filter]

When did Feldman start looking like Amy Ray from the Indigo Girls?

Damn. I used a lemon.

Today I bought a chicken to roast. I googled "how to roast a chicken" to find a recipe. What did GoogleAdWords have to say about that? This: "Ad related to how to roast a chicken: The Roast of James Franco - Tonight at 10p on Comedy Central‎." Seriously.