indie tea

The school was built in the 70's, it was some hippie experiment, and it's bay area so….

I went to high school without walls - and while my chemistry class was silently taking an exam, the biology teacher in the next "room" over was giving a lecture on reproductive organs.

Oh, I didn't click on your links before posting. Sorry.

She's pandering to her audience. I'm making a generalization here - but TS is reflecting the attitude that her conservative fanbase would have at about ballet dancers (too cultured), modern dance troupes (too "artsy"), and inner city girls - all more "liberal" groups.

It's condensing towards actually mediocre teenage girls, who seem to be her fanbase :/

I guess the Broadway performers aren't able to sing, dance AND sell their souls and bodies at the same time.

Oh, I didn't realize that some people's homes were destroyed by the quake itself.

I'd just like to add that she's *too pretty* to be actually"perfectly mediocre", which is why her act is so shticky. I've always found that part of her to be annoying - "I'm the prettiest blonde cheerleader-type girl pretending that some dark-haired girl is somehow more attractive to the type of guy who likes blond

With the exception of the unfortunate people whose homes were destroyed in the related fire(s?) - everyone else is being waaay too melodramatic about it - it wasn't that big a quake.

I don't think that's what Sean O'Neal is saying - it's the ridiculousness of Henry Rollin's opinions (or maybe just a lack of writing skill) - "yet they have nullified their existence because they willfully removed themselves from life" or " out of my analog world". The self-centerness of this type of thinking appalls

I do. She looks like she's in her mid-twenties to me.

I was ten. This version of 'Fantastic Voyage' - with the word @$$ included - threw me off.

But what about his fans? What's an appropriate punishment for them?

He didn't have many friends and was teased a lot.

My college roommate went to the same high school Robin Williams did. She was the part of the student body board, and the board asked Williams to speak at their graduation. He said no, because he never wanted to return to the campus. That high school held really bad memories for him.

That sounds pretty amazing, and kind :)

I had an eating disorder when I was 15, it's still a struggle NOT to stop eating when I get stressed out. And a suicide attempt that left me with physical scars. Also, a few self-harm scars that are pretty faint, and the aftermath of a sexual assault. Depression's probably somewhere in there.

"Yo, Lorde I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but Beyoncé
had one of the best videos of all time!"

Oh, I agree with you. Some of the negative commenters seem to think having a Tumblr automatically makes you a bad writer, when in reality it's just that a lot people who can't write have Tumblr pages.