Egg Sucking Dog

I think this is another instance over the av club being so obssesed with the narrative about a shows history/behind the scenes dealing/mythology that the actual experience of watching the show itself does not matter very much.

I have a very uneasy feeling the barrel scene will turn out to be brontosaurus stampede 2.0.

Increasingly, my big problem with CGI abuse isn't so much the look itself, but the side effects. For example, in the hobbit, the goblin mines section does not just look like a video game, It PLAYS OUT like a video game. The ability to control everything perfectly, and to have your characters in a virtual constant

Yeah I generally am unable to sit through Rogen interviews because they tend to turn into him just referencing getting high over and over and over.

The obsession with "canon" and "maintaining continuity" between projects which have no right being connected to one another is a plague upon humanity, especially now that the infection seems to have spread beyond the comic book world and is festering in pop culture in general.

The "Abed meets a girl on his wavelength that promptly dissapears forever" thing has happened a couple of times now. Though I feel like maybe that was not the original intention this time. honestly, I feel like a lot of this seasons issues were due to the truncated season. There were stretches of the season that were

if banning porn makes you Microsoft, it turns out Apple has actually been the microsoftiest all along.

Yeah its always strange when a show seems to miss the point of its own plot. The entire reason the "Holly believes Kevin is retarded" thing was initially so funny was because it played on how if you took many of Kevin's mannerisms OUT OF CONTEXT, it would make sense to see him that way. But if he acts that way all the

Yeah, this is the sort of thing that could be fun IF it does not get too mean spirited, but otherwise it could just reflect really badly on everyone involved. My main problem is that, especially if this feature were to be just x hours of completely shitting on everything in season 4 - you aren't just sticking it to

The absolute best "yeah, we don't care about quality" sequel would have started with a burned Hackman climbing up to the escape, and then right as he's about to climb out another giant wave turns the ship over again.

Well, 4,000 of the dead were kids and about 80 percent were civilians.

Yeah it's pretty hard to top that ending for dark. I mean, not only does the world end, but the tone of the VoiceOver is basically -"yes, it actually ends this way. you are all going to die and return to the void. Deal with it, fuckers."

Clearly you haven't heard about the Wilhelm gustlovf. German passenger liner fleeing at the end of ww2 - the Russians sank it and 10,000 people died. Not a a typo.

Well I haven't viewed this yet, so I can't comment on this particular instance but:

While what you say is true, its also true that there were tons of lines in the movie which had Lucas' fingerprints all over them. For example, I knew we were getting a George Lucas movie when I saw the bit in the trailer where Ford crash lands into the cab of a communist truck, and then delivers some horribly obvious

I think the AV club reviews of this show are going to set some sort of record for ways to hedge against saying "good."

Yeah, especially with community, but even with some other popular shows as well, I feel some of the reviews here are basically trying to hedge their bets lately in a way that results in some very lackluster writing. As if the reviews are more trying to anticipate viewer consensus and not stray too far from that as

I am proud to say that I have been a broken record for the last 3 years saying how horrible an idea it is to make the documentary "real." This isn't really the best way to see your opinion validated, but I guess I'll take a small victory where I can get it.

It certainly sounds like the last couple of episodes are basically going to be clip shows with occasional reaction shots of Jim and Pam crying.

Yeah I just can not comprehend how anyone thought bringing the documentary to the fore was not a disastrous idea. There are hundreds, if not thousands of moments in this show that make no sense at all once the documentary thing is elevated beyond a framing device that gets an occasion sort of winking nod.