Egg Sucking Dog

This also goes for its nearly Identical cousin "the main character was insane the entire time!" It finally seems to be on the wane, but that variation was fucking everywhere for quite some time. It got so bad that I watched 10 minutes of Shutter Island on Netflix and skipped to the end to confirm that I was obviously

It's all a lie! I pretend to be fat, drunk and lonely but I'm actually perfectly sober!

I remember a video of Rex Ryan (Jets coach) leaking in which Ryan and his wife role played a foot fetish. Basically it was a soft core porn video if the sex and nudity was replaced with a minute of a man rubbing his wife's feet. And while it is a little odd that this video was probably intended to be shared with other

The show will probably wade into something like this at some point - but largely just because the show is so directionless and winging it that it will bring up and then promptly forget about every possible option given enough time.

As someone who has actually managed to nearly choke myself unconscious three times now - apparently without learning the lesson about chewing - I will concur with your last point. Each time I've found that my mind has responded with a response that is basically "this. WOULD be really terrifying, but let's focus on

As a big late 1950s to late 70s soul fan, it is a little distressing that basically every soul story from that era ends either with tragic/premature death, or lots and lots of lawsuits. Often both. Then to add insult to injury you have musical Satans like Ian Levine, who promised a lot of these people he was basically

Am I the only one who wishes just once somebody would do this type of a premise but without feeling the need to add in just tons and tons of other random crap? I mean, theoretically, the appeal of a show about people trapped under a dome is - how would people cope and react if this one giant change all of a sudden

Everyone knows the mega-dome will be the more exciting development.

I just CAN NOT stand shows where it is 100 percent transparent that nobody involved really has a story that they want to tell, or even really a theme that they feel passionate about exploring. Shows where the focus is just on making shit up as you go from week to week, and making sure you end on cliffhangers that

I don't think this is, primarily, Jay logic. I think the NBC people decided Conan was a loser and wanted him gone, and also didn't really want Jay around anymore. But they couldn't figure out a way to get rid of both without creating an even bigger shit storm, so they took Jay back with an eye on ditching him as soon

My favorite type of bad online reporting is when everyone just blatantly plagiarizes each other. 6 months or so back when there was a misreport of "huge news" from curiosity you could have literally made a chart tracing the game of telephone across the web. Each site blatantly copied whoever they had read the news

I feel like that dance number was originally supposed to be either intercut with "real" DF material, or, at most, originally meant to be half the length. In the end, they had a couple minutes of show with no content ready, so we all got the padded out version.

Was anyone else super creeped out when Coman was promoting this guy appearing on his show? Conan is the ultimate lanky, weak looking dork, so to hear him of all people promoting this guys record kill numbers and record long distance kill shots was both surreal and quite disturbing. One should never hear Conan talking

While Thompson was nothing compared to some of the AAA grade nutcases of the most recent campaign, he is still one of my favorites because for about 5 minutes, the republican party and half the press decided he was regan reincarnate, despite being 800 years old himself. He was discussed less as an actual person and


The mouth of Sauron in the films is cool, but I sort of like Tolkien's version as well. I mean, if you are at basically the gates of hell, you expect some terrible creature to come out and confront you - so it would be really baffling when instead the gates open and some nicely dressed, attractive medieval lawyer

This somehow just occurred to me now, but it's a little odd that the doomsday bomb was in the shape of a missile, seeing as how detonating it anywhere blows up the entire earth.

I actually know somebody who thinks exactly that. Said person tends to like things in ways that might be initially mistaken as "ironic" liking, but in reality they just really love certain aggressively awful things. I've never quite figured out what formula qualifies for this love but it's something like horrible

Well Santa Anna became president/dictator of Mexico and was thrown out something like 11 times, so Harmon has a ways to go to take the top prize.

Yeah, that is going to be awkward - "hey Jim, great to see you again - You wrote the best episode of last season except For the whole "I'm Dan Harmon! Durrpy Durrpy Duurrr!" part. I mean, it was great except I nearly blew my brains out due to fear that I write dialogue as relentlessly shitty as the chunky diaharea