Mojo Filter

You're right, dude, people who don't make good art deserve to be depressed and should just die already.

I'm not sure why Aja is included on this list (or why Fast Code Design seems to believe it isn't a classic album), but there's no evidence that Hartman ever designed or contributed to the design of its album cover.

I never thought that I would see the day that Bill Murray did a Reddit AMA…and yet here we are.

A shame that early reviews for Walter Mitty have been dispiriting so far. The trailer had really lifted my enthusiasm for the film.

I used to have quite the crush on Janine Garafalo. It's a shame that she caught the amount of flak that she did for objecting to the more juvenile boy's club humor during her time on SNL.

I am positively giddy right now.

Ted Danson's still cool though, right?

Benedict Cumberpatch's response to the question of his weirdest fan encounter just made my day.

You did good, Narrator. You did good.

The comments under today's Watch This entry are embarrassing.

I am the one who knocks…Season 4 every chance I get.

I hate pants.

Sean is working on a Newswire on the Dan Harmon/Megan Ganz spat as we speak, so…look forward to those comments!

I support the casting of John Oliver as a voice actor in any non Smurfs-related media.

It sounds like this program isn't even enjoyably bad…what a shame.

I didn't realize full-screen DVDs were still being made. Seems like they should have died out by now.

For anyone who may be interested, Quentin Tarantino has posted his top 10 favorite films of 2013 so far via the Tarantino Archives website.

Sean Saves The World looks kinda awful but at the same time…I love the creator's previous two programs [Andy Richter Controls The Universe and Better Off Ted]. It is a real shame to read about this new program of his and not feel a single ounce of positivity about it.

I've always found him to be at his most likable when he does interviews for The Daily Show and Conan. Very good sense of humor, doesn't take himself too seriously.

I feel like Jim Parsons wouldn't create as much as a reaction on set as Bell seems to be implying. Call me crazy, but my mind immediately jumped to Stephen Hawking.