Mojo Filter

He certainly has his strong opinions at times, it's true.

Maybe I'm just tired but I had a hard time telling if The Gameological Society's review of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team was positive or negative.

He was an excellent comic talent on Frasier and in WHAS. It's a shame that I can't recall seeing him in anything since Frasier wrapped.

I would count Hellboy as an exception as well. I also remember The Freshman being slightly amusing but I can't entirely be certain my memory is correct.

I also suddenly feel obligated to acknowledge that somebody who just Liked my comment is (presumably) named after Eh Steve!, one of my favorite Homestar Runner creations. That put a smile on my face.

I hate to say it, but this place may have…*sniff*…it may have ruined puns for me.

I don't post here that much but I am a frequent lurker and wanted to express how glad I am that this comments section has maintained its welcoming and friendly, mostly snark-free attitude. Not that I don't love O'Neal's work, but the frequent "nothing but snark" topic threads on the comments sections of the main site

When I was a kid, I was able to do this very same thing for every episode of Spongebob Squarepants I had seen up to Season 3. Where was my Great Job, Internet!?

Blurred Lines is probably the best example i can think of regarding songs I enjoy with extreme reluctance. It's a catchy as hell earworm but the lyrics are god-awful.

You left out Weird Al!

I prefer a focus on older and less well-known films, but I don't have much of an issue with something like Perks getting a mention once in while.

Was Dead Silence really decent? I heard nothing but terrible things about it. Totally agree on the first Saw though.

Surprising pick. Expecting a lot of disagreements here.

So I guess the Nick Cave WTF interview is going to be completely passed over? Shame. Marc Maron oversold how disappointing the interview was in his intro, that was actually the most open and good-humored i've ever seen (well…heard) Cave be. Perhaps if Maron had been more aware of Cave's demeanor in previous

I'm watching it right now with a group of friends.

"It's gonna take a lot more than a couple of car bombs to get us off of this case."

The insinuation that people who would want to watch Pacific Rim are stupid really irked me.

Tom Jones did a very fun version of Burning Down The House with the lead singer of The Cardigans.

Another HateSong focusing on a song I really like. Maybe I just have shitty taste in musics.

I'm sorry to hear The Spectacular Now doesn't look good to you. It's one of my more-anticipated films to watch this year.