I Am Gale Boetticher

Actually, I agree. Season four had a handful of amazing eps, but it didn't have nearly the knock-me-out string that began about four or five episodes into the third season and… never ended until the season did.

I'm gonna go ahead and point out you NEVER would have used the word "yawp," Scott, were it not for Breaking Bad.

Agree with E.Buzz Miller — the hole-in-the-tent immediately reminded me of Shawshank. Deliberate?

Not really what CK's point was, at all. He said: (A) "going on a 'sorry' tour" is a complete waste of everyone's time, and (B) this homophobia exists as an entrenched part of a major American culture, and what's important is to address that honestly and fully, not to play nice and make sure nobody's feelings are hurt

I dunno — I think a lot of the contempt for Morgan's comments has stemmed from an abridged understanding of what he actually said. Everything needs context, and I think Louis CK's take on the issue is the only one I've seen in which somebody really was interested in exploring that context: http://www.huffingtonpost.c…

I had a tough time with it but yeah, LOVED the cast, especially Ed O'Neill. His face when he and the bird somehow accidentally bring the kid back to life at the end of the second (?) episode was probably my favorite moment of the whole series.

I don't remember many except that one, but I just liked how frank Jack was about it in that moment.


It's a mess, but the series finale is pretty excellent.

Favorite moments in this opener were

…how would that have worked?

* In the scene at the Bing, I always took it to mean the guys all know somehow. Bobby and Patsy both look at him with admiration and sympathy.

Hey, you know what I always wondered? After Tony's speech about sticking together as a family, he leaves and Patsy Parisi said, "Thank you. That was great."

One thing the show did brilliantly, I thought, was that despite being generally anticlimactic it gave us a series of increasingly frightening antagonists:

Kiss my black ass!

I didn't think it was a very good trailer, either, and the sinkhole explosion looks pretty lousy effects-wise. But I'm not worried about the film — Nolan hasn't made a stinker yet, has he?


Pretty sure the star of this movie is director Brad Bird. Which is EXACTLY why I'm going to go see it, despite having avoided the first two and not having gotten to the third, though it's on my list because J.J. Abrams ALSO knows what he's doing.

I took that to be something they deliberately addressed in having Adriana's female handler agent clearly humiliated for making a stupid decision in the meeting with Agent Harris and their boss. She KNOWS she fucked up big time and tries limply to defend herself — "She could be in China by now! — but everyone in the

I sure hope so. I torrent some of the stuff I don't know so I can check it out, but you gotta pay for what you love.