I Am Gale Boetticher

Wynn Duffy was the snitch that put away Katherine's husband. He's been WAY too interested in the Katherine/Avery relationship and in "proving" to her that it was Avery. His convenient knowledge of the folks involved, suddenly dropped in this episode, was a step too far.

Molly's parable struck me in much the same vein as the letter written by Sheriff Bullock and printed by the Deadwood camp elders, offering kind words to the family of Hearst's murdered Cornish worker. It's an example of decency and kind strength that offers the best insult available to Good Guys who are otherwise

I actually thought of that specifically, and of the 30 Rock episode that calls to memory that same principle.

If his luck holds out, maybe it'll turn out he has four kidneys, like kidney-theft survivor Dewey Crowe.

"I recognized the jail preacher from somewhere, but I can’t place him. Anybody?"

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick."

Christina Ricci as Wednesday in Addams Family Values. When she came out as fake-happy Pocahontas with regular-colored skin, I about jumped out of mine.

Most emo elements for me:

I thought a REALLY great touch was when Troy and Abed sat down at the "wrong" seats at the study table, trying to pretend-they-were-pretending-nothing-happened. Abed's impersonation of Troy impersonating Abed, and Troy's impersonation of Abed impersonating Troy.


John Diehl (Gilroy) was also great in his small role on TERRIERS, which fucking owned.

Although, that is a rad photo of My Cocaine.

How the fuck is The Dude not the PHOTO of this story?


Would that I had a TIME HOODIE!

Loved this season, but they have to stop capping seasons with a shot of Raylan looking at something while "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" plays. It's getting cheesy.


Yeah, season two was better, but this is better than the third season.

"Did anybody else notice that Colt had his gun down the front of his pants, one episode after “gun down the pants” was the detail that told him Drug Dealer Who Used To The Brother On Blossom was holding a weapon that wasn’t ready to fire. Was this a failure of character-continuity? Or were we supposed to notice this