I Am Gale Boetticher

Really didn't care for the "House of the Rising Sun" lyrics change-up, either: "There is a house in Charming town…"

NON-STOP ass rape.

I always figured it was because she was in Bugsy.

Cross-posted from the "What's On Tonight" thread:

Opie is Laertes.


Yeah, I thought we were seeing her really continuing to lose it. Tara's been losing her mind since the hand crush incident, and this was a natural outcrop of the amazing "I can only be with you if I can't escape // Now we get to stay here in beautiful Charming" hospital scene she had with Jax. As of right now, I don't

Highlights for me:

My favorite touch was Grammer appearing to mumble nonsensically to himself in the limo, followed by the reveal that he was practicing for his public speech, followed by our seeing him do the exact same thing IN HIS OFFICE before giving an impromptu speech about how hard it is to get this airport project through. It's

It was a small silly pun but I laughed when the Bird Prince flew in to talk to Lemmiwinks about the problem and said, "All the birds are tweeting about it."

I'm actually a little surprised the reviewer didn't recognize the song. Maybe I grew up weird but I grew up with The Hobbit cartoon as a mainstay in the VCR.  http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Even better: "All right, Ray."

I'm surprised the reviewer didn't mention Reddick specifically. It was a disappointing episode but every second he was on screen was a delight, especially the first confrontation where he threatens to be a mature-ass adult about all this.
