
Bucket of Blood. That movie just cracks me up everytime I see it. Also, this doesn't really speak well for Roger Corman, but The Undead has to be one of the all-time funniest MST3K episodes.

People that talk about killing other people because they don't like their movies, music, opinions, etc. need to seriously get a life.

Dude, you don't talk about someone elses mom like you know what you're talking about, especially just to make a pompous point of correcting something they said about her. I think Jason handled his response very graciously, and I'm sorry I can't do the same, but it just pisses me off.

Have fun, don't forget to take a drive through Compton while you're in your robe.

OwMyHead, Hahaha, let's just talk about Jacque and Locque and Cate and Soier and Herli and Dezmund and Charlee for a couple posts and see how long it takes people to call us a bunch of retards. How come only Anglo names have to be spelled correctly, and someone is just an annoying prat if they point out it's not

Who the hell's this Paulo guy?

I'm very freaked out right now
It's very reassuring that you all think you already know who the man on the boat is. And I hope you're right. Because when TV Voice Guy said "a face you never expected to see again" I suddenly got this awful sinking feeling. Now if ABC thinks we're all complete idiots, it will be

Well I'm sure someone tried to teach you and look how well that turned out…

Gnarls who?
I think they banned it because nobody in their audience gets the pun on "Gnarls Barkley." I teach middle school and I have kids who don't even know who MICHAEL JORDAN is anymore!

So, are all Cubans immigrants at this point, or were you just sure we wouldn't mistakenly think you were talking about Cuban nationalists.

Also the ledger at the auction was Lot 2342 if I'm not totally misremembering.

Ok, it's scaring me how little righteous indignation there is to ol' Lobsters right now. Is it just because we're accepting his post is a lame attempt at satire. Or is it just because everyone posting is white and just doesn't give a *@#$&.

Best Short Documentary
So the military got to give the award to a movie about same-sex couples? Anyone with a "don't ask don't tell" joke? I got nuthin…

Have you noticed…?
You can sing the title along with "There Will be Blood's" theme music, ala Tom Servo?

Patrick Dempsey?!?
Isn't he "Made of Honor" ?

Colin Farrell IS Lorenzo Lamas in…
RENEGADE: The Movie!

I didn't see this movie but…
I really liked Marion Cotillard in "A Good Year" so what the hell, good for her…

I didn't see this movie, but…THAT HOLLY BARRY FELLA IS HOT!

Academy President
I like how he had to point out that they don't ACTUALLY shoot the secretary. Thanks for that.

Who says there's not a God?
The science and photo-technology nerds got Jessica Alba to host their show.