
um, sixty-fourthsies?

This could not have been a good day…
as that is clearly the sound of an AK. And everyone knows it's only a good day if you didn't have to use your AK.

It's been awhile since I've seen Frailty, but I don't recall thinking at the time that the ending affirmed those people were really demons, but just how they could've been demons in Paxton and Mconoughey (sp) 's minds. I thought it left it fairly ambiguous whether they deserved to die or not, which made it a very

My forecast is that it will be possible negative temperatures with a chance of flurries in HELL before this idea works.

sid ceasar salad
I saw a screwball comedy from the 60's with sid ceasar and robert ryan called "The Busy Body" I know it's based on a Westlake novel but I've never read it. Anyone familiar with the book wanna tell me if it's worth picking up?

I like air hockey. I'm pretty good. At least, y'know, against my brother.

Hey phel, you shoor do look purty today!

"yestididdy" is the day before "todiddy," and two days before "tommizzow."

So what you're saying is…you don't like mimes?

Congratulations, you just did.

Maybe Affleck should direct. Any superhero stories set in Boston?

You know what would be great?
If they made up the "Antman" movie announcement just to watch the message boards blow up. Notice there's no set release date, so it's not like they're technically lying. I'm sure some fanboy somewhere is currently working hard on the script to an Antman movie. (or at least some Antman

Hey GH, were you in wrestling or swimming?

"You'd have to account for the rotation of the earth…"

I'm sure the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be relieved to know you think he's a "damn fine civil rights leader."

What's with the alphabet soup anyway? You all need to get some real monikers, like "The unregistered sting of cleverly using Jesus' name in vain motherfucker" …or some such.

The best part about this movie for me was at the very end scene someone in the theatre actually screamed! Awesome! The worst part was the motion sickness, which stuck with me for hours afterwards, and may prevent me from ever seeing the film again, which is unfortunate.

As sissy as this probably sounds, it reminds me of the Art Garfunkel song from the animated movie Watership Down, which I loved to death for being the antithesis of Disney's cutesy animals, and so the name has a soft spot in my heart. It will alwasy remind me of animated rabbits getting torn into bloody hunks by

This P2P sounds like one of my 6th grade students trying to sound like a college freshman by repeating random stuff they heard on TV.

Yeah, The Patriots is my favorite football team. You nailed that one, bee man.