
at least he played it straight and didn't laugh at his own joke.

Who's this "Harvey Air Bardem" fella?
Must be good, just one Best Supporting Actor.

Art Direction
Bela Lugosi came back as a woman!

Katherine Heigl: "I'm not very good at this."
What, acting?

George Clooney "some mistakes"
Aw c'mon George, leave Marissa Tomei alone!

SWEENEY TODD was robbed!
j/k, I love pretending to care about this stuff.

Red Carpet blahblahblah
The pop-ups are killing me. If Jennifer Garner truly became a "household name with the show Alias" then why do they have to tell us who she is?

Wait, JackCain you mean you're taking us seriously?!? *snort* Wow man, are you making an ass of yourself!

I'm expecting Johny's next comment to be along the lines of "Wormholes, bitches! Bet ya didn't see that one coming! "

Johny, are we looking at some ZoMoFo style satire here, or are you really just that incredibly dense?

I think it's more interesting that according the IMDB there has never been a movie anywhere titled Satan's Doom. SO if you're going to make up a movie, why one with this title? Instead of referring to Satan casting doom on everyone else, could the possessive really mean "the doom of Satan" or "Satan's death"? Maybe

Intrepid Reporter, I've heard a rumor that you are cabbage. How do you respond?

And if you have more than a page of pictures of yourself on myspace than it's like" Ew, whore!"

the smell of romantic comedies?
What does a romantic comedy smell like?

Say it with me, 1, 2, 3…
Rudd is an eyesore, not remotely amusing and wholly devoid of charm!!!

Wait, what's that web address?
I think it's funny there are so few people commenting right now. It means all the pervs that aren't complaining how gross this all is are busy visiting all the web sites.

Not if you're not already interested, so why don't you go watch something else. Run along, there's a dear.

Oh yeah, that's the one where light comes out of 3-CPO's decapitated head on a platter, right?