Satanism Q Muskrat

Not that my opinion matters a whit, but I like her. She's carved out a nice little niche for herself with her "denim-clad gay chick with a freaky haircut" bit. That said, it wouldn't hurt to expand her repertoire, as it's grown a bit stale at this point.

And yet, FOUR dates in that allegedly great state?!

If you dig the Unicorns/Islands universe you should also check out the one record they released as Human Highway in 2008. Largely acoustic but still has that tongue-in-cheek humor of their other bands.

I'd put it under J. The name of the band is Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. If he recorded a solo record under his own name, file it under S.
(That said, I personally file my Robert Pollard solo releases with GBV, just for the sake of continuity).

Hard to believe you purged the Hot Snakes, but to each his own. I love everything Rick Froberg has ever put out.

Excellent screen name/comment synergy. Well played.

I just finished reading Martin Aston's fascinating, exhaustive overview of 4AD "Facing the Other Way", and the section on the legal battle over Pump Up The Volume was really interesting, albeit confusing. Seems a lot of people were suing each other over that track, thanks to its crazy worldwide success.

I came here to write that exact thing. I laffed so hard at that Eightball parody, even after repeated readings. His footnotes were hilarious: here, take this speedball*

It may have been a poor parenting decision in retrospect, but I still cherish the moments I shared with my 14 year old daughter watching the Professor Bros explain Sodom and Gomorrah.

Got me a signed Eightball from Comic Con '93. Dude looked impossibly bored.

Playing BurgerTime on MAME without unlimited pepper is a fool's errand.

Good luck getting any trade-in value (or even worse, actual cash) for those CD's. I was straight up ripped off the last time I tried, and that last group had even included some new, unopened box sets that my parents impulse-bought at Costco. Give 'em away to anyone remotely interested instead.

I cherish all my hard copies of Onstad's work, and hope there's more in the offing soon. Amazon tells me that they're all still available new/used for dirt cheap, so everyone should pick them up.

How do you feel about Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr? Pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.

Car Seat Headrest: Terrible band name, or terriblest band name?

True story time: That riff came on the radio (Sirius First Wave, I think) and my 13 year old daughter says "I know this song! Me and ______ (underage friend's name redacted) can sing all the words!" Then Bowie started singing, and a perplexed look spread across her face. I started laughing.

And if you're a good guy who really wants to help people, those traits will be driven from you with a quickness by the assholes already in the system.

"This is me in Grade 9, baby"

Not some scratch ass, cut rate haunted house, no. A high fucking quality one, goddammit. I'll haunt your asses good if you install me in a low-budget community church production.