So what, pray tell dear Todd, were the Simpsons "glory years"?
So what, pray tell dear Todd, were the Simpsons "glory years"?
So what, pray tell dear Todd, were the Simpsons "glory years"?
Love these guys. Saw them in 1992 with Teenage Fanclub, what a shit hot show that was. Dulli came out and before he started playing Retarded he apologized to two coeds in the front row: "It's gonna be loud, sorry." Time to revisit them, methinks.
Love these guys. Saw them in 1992 with Teenage Fanclub, what a shit hot show that was. Dulli came out and before he started playing Retarded he apologized to two coeds in the front row: "It's gonna be loud, sorry." Time to revisit them, methinks.
Go Kings.
Or what?
That reminds me of a great joke I got from a dirty joke book when I was a kid.
A woman goes to a tattoo artist and says she wants the likeness of Elvis on her upper inner thigh. Dude gets to work and when he's done, she says "man, that doesn't look like Elvis! Try again on the other thigh" So he tries again and…
Damn, I didn't want to mention this for fear of being called out as shallow and sexist, but as I watched last week's episode I couldn't help thinking "what the fuck happened to Pam's face?" She used to be sooooo cute, but I guess Father Time caught up with her in a '75 Pinto and drove over her face.
This is what I love about this place. Not only does "Cookie Monster" know his shit about music and movies, he occasionally throws in hilariously spot-on Sesame Street content.
I love Ken Nordine's word jazz stuff, and Colors is the best (in my opinion). For lovers of convenience, there is a fine reissue of Word Jazz and Son of Word Jazz together on one CD.
In the 8th grade me and my equally socially awkward friends would get together and make "videos", basically lip-synched versions of songs we liked by Oingo Boingo, Violent Femmes, the B-52's and a few others. Our faves tho were the Beasties, and I think we did most of Licensed to Ill since we loved it so much. RIP…
Dammit! I teed that one up pretty high for you. Still, thanks for the fix to my skull file.
Isn't Aubrey Plaza the name of a music venue in New York? Seriously.
Not an attractive man.
I'm not sure what he has to do with this, but I'll go along with it.
My "free one week trial" of Hulu Plus just ended, and I don't think I'll be renewing now that I realize the goddamn commercials are still attached to the shows. Does Netflix do the same thing? I can't figure out which one is better for streaming recent eps of shows I missed.
Yes, I think that would have been a better turn of phrase.
You win, I stand corrected.
See, that's why I wrote "8 year old (at the time) daughter" and not "8 year old daughter (at the time)." Some English major here (and I'm sure there's plenty around) will chime in soon with the correct syntax.
Great book, I read it to my 8 year old (at the time) daughter soon after I heard about it on NPR. Can't wait to see the movie, though I'm almost certain to be disappointed.