Satanism Q Muskrat

I "liked" them all, you beautiful bastards!

I frequently ate a can of Crown Prince Kippers as an after school snack.  Nothing weird about them at all, as kippered herring is very similar in taste and texture to sardines, which I also loved.  I was a strange kid, I know.


Wow.  Love your user name, and I'm pleased to see that I'm not late to the noticin' stuff party for once.

I had to like this reminder of Mr Vandelay's world-record comment, the greatest of all time.

That's right, George.

Man, you musta done some major biznezz on eBay, as my check was for only 3 cents.  When I told my 10 year old daughter about it she said "you want me to tear it up for you?"

I…liked this?

You shouldn’t be Bummed anymore if you’ve been on Pills for a couple of years now

Yeah I didn’t care for Heller’s quick dismissal of the Soup Dragons’ efforts.  They were late to the party, having played Buzzcocks-lite punk prior to 1990, but their record Lovegod was a decent effort and added considerably to the scene.

Neds put on an ass-kicking show too.  Saw them in Tijuana at a bar for Americans called Iguana's, and they blew the roof off the place (which wasn't hard, it was Mexico after all).


Nice try, bro, but you ain't no Wesley Willis.  We need to hear him weigh in on America's greatest president.

What was her first album called?  It was good, or bad, or something.  I can't recall.

Under no circumstances should Tom Hanks fade into the night!  I have a semi-serious desire to see him run as a third-party presidential candidate so's he can clean up Washington, Mr. Smith style.

I am right there with you, Mr Chamber, so please don't feel alone in your shame.  I have never had much use for Fugazi, but I love the sweet shit out of the Embrace record.  Check that one out for melody AND aggression.


They're pretty fucking smart about the ads, too.  The ad actually stops if I hit mute and won't resume the music queue until I've "heard" the entire thing.  So I just turn my speakers off.  You gotta pay *something* for the convenience of nearly every song in the world at your fingertips.

Me too, and even with cheat codes and unlimited credits on a MAME emulator, I didn't have the stamina to finish.

I love this game! Movie, not so much.