Satanism Q Muskrat

Seriously, I think that the "alternative" stations I used to listen to in the 90's have now converted to some sort of mutant "classic alt-rock" format, whereby they play something new by Mumford and Sons (or whatever passes for "hip" top 40 these days) and chase it with Nirvana or Pearl Jam or Marcy Playground.   I'm

What are you, The Lone Ranger?  I believe you meant to punctuate your (admittedly excellent) slap with "HEY-O!"

Many.  Many MUCH Frankensteins.  They are legion.

I wonder who Rob Schneider's non-union Mexican equivalent is?  Please speculate below.

Agreed.  I was about to post this very thing.  Sean really outdid himself here, and that's saying something.

Inside of a horse, it's too dark to read.

Great to see so many RH fans here.  Did anyone besides me shell out for the Yep Roc vinyl repackagings of his solo and Egyptians stuff?  Great material, but somewhat shoddy manufacturing…

Agreed on the Misfits, as well as Samhain.  But I always found Bauhaus to be legitimately scary as well…they really seemed to mean it, man.

And that the AVC reports on it in a future Great Job Internet feature.

"We’ve got a lot of old fuckers and young weirdos who dig us".

Perhaps, but I still liked the hell out of it.

Ingredients: sugar, water, purple.

I'm afraid Turtlehead is right, and I'm speaking as a longtime fan.  Bob Pollard is an epic songwriter, but his personal behavior (which I admittedly only know from his stage persona and a few rumors) is boorish at best.  See anecdote from Trill below for a good example.

Agreed.  As a longtime (but somewhat lapsed) fan, I know that their tunes sometimes take a few listens, which I haven't had yet.  It is indeed good to see the classic lineup back, and I'll be glad to check them out if they get down here.

When I heard it, my inital reaction was "meh".  Let's see how the album holds together before we hope for further releases.

I liked this because I can't like my own, earlier comment.

Don't you mean "Halloween SPOOKtacular"?

I nominate this as the Finest Newswire Post of the Day.

OK, now that you've made something of a more coherent statement about it, I better understand and appreciate your position.  I also happen to wholeheartedly agree…our little dalliance in Iraq was an enormous tragedy on multiple levels and I'll be glad to see it end too.  However, you run the risk of being brushed off

I can't tell if you're truly excited about today's announcement, or if you're trying to make some kind of ironic statement.  Either way, please try to relax.  Shit ain't over until the last Marine slams the door on that fucking dump, and I'd bet you a case of Stone that it won't happen before Dec. 31.