Satanism Q Muskrat

Check it, I think that may be an imposter.  Does the "real" Cookie Monster have a _ in his name?

"Fried chicken tastes good.  Cole slaw tastes good."

Obviously you've never seen "Brewster's Millions".

I'd love to see that self-tittied vinyl of yours.  Must be rare, what with the tits and all.

Me too!  I would totally pay cash money to see the Stone Roses, having missed them the first time around.

As I recall, they actually tried to spin Enos off to his own show.  You better believe I watched that shit.

I'm not really sure what this means, but I liked it.

Point taken.  I guess I prefer the "never-ending, shambling horror" aspect of zombie vehicles like TWD, and not so much the gore.  Establishing some actual sympathetic characters would go a long way to making me more than a very, very casual observer.

I know I'm totally in the minority here, but does anyone else think this show is needlessly violent and/or gross?  I mean, I get it that they are surrounded by decomposing corpses all the time and must kill them to survive, but christ on a bike do they have to constantly show them getting blown to bits and gore-ing

Are you maybe thinking of Fine Young Cannibals' cover of "Ever Fallen In Love"?

If only you had pulled this gag in the Susanna Hoffs interview comments, you would have predicted the future.

Good point, and I agree.  Unfortunately that genie is waaay the fuck out of the bottle, so to speak.  In fact, the genie came out of the bottle, drank its contents, and then smashed a passerby in the head with it.

Don't you mean "fook off"?

Man, I saw that flick as a "special screening" or some such as a radio station promotion.  It was indeed gawd-awful, but I was like 14 at the time and was mesmerized by her beauty and coolness onscreen.

In the one-half of an episode that I actually viewed, Snoop Dogg was a parking lot attendant.  I don't think Randy Jackson could place him in a more appropriate job than that.

You mean Homer.

"Hoof Hearted" would be appropos as well.

Agreed!  The one about "I Am Legend" was really interesting.

I'm guessing she never saw Weird Science.

OK, I gotta add my cool story to the cool story bro fest.  I won tix to see Fishbone from 91X in San Diego when I was all of 14 years old, in 1988.  It was an all ages show, so even though I didn't have ID, they let me in.  It was a transformative experience as it was only my second concert (1st was Echo & The