Satanism Q Muskrat

Dude, are you sure about that?

Sorry, I'm afraid I laughed when I saw this.

My sister had this single when we were kids and I listened to it so many times with her Realistic headphones that I can still recite every syllable of the short version to this day….though half the words may be incorrect.

Damn, now I really want to hear Wesley Willis' opinion of Courtney.


You watch your ass.

Busey looks startlingly like the old preacher man from Poltergeist 2 in that pic.

All the comments above (below?) are gold, Jerry.  Gold.

Too soon.

Back in the day on the GBV mailing list, I used to abbreviate Under the Bushes as UPBUTTS.  LOL, snort, cool story bro, etc.

You didn't try hard enough:  "That's a SUPER CHUNK of man-meat you've got there".

Man, that murderous slot machine made me shit and piss myself with fear when I was a kid (re-reuns on KTLA, natch).  My sister and I would try to out-freak each other by gurgling out 'FRANKLIN!' in the dark.

I initially read that as "enjoy your marble rye in space."  Which would also make sense, to some.

I'll tell you what's really a motherfucker:  21 was the age of that ass-kicking Marine who was awarded the Medal of Honor yesterday.  I'm no rah-rah military fan, but read the account of what he did and tell me how many 21 year olds you know that could have done the same.  For extra credit, think about it while

Great.  Buncha dicks around here all laffed in my face when I asked how to do text tricks on another thread.  Now you're just showing off.  See, I bet this won't work either.
EDIT: Ohhhhh shit son, it did!! I have learned the Jedi way!!

Totally agree.  Re-releasing the later shit on a hissy, low-fi format will certainly not help cover up fact that their last two records suck a dead dog's ass.  And that's speaking as a sucker who "pre-ordered" False Priest and thecontrollersphere on vinyl.  Never again!

Working at a Record Shop (really, that was the name of the place) in 1989-1990 I sold a shit-ton of those throwaway little numbers.  Big ones were Bell Biv Devoe "Poison", Biz Markee's "Just a Friend" and every song by Milli Vanilli.  Holy god, the Milli Vanilli.

How did it get so high?

Ah, I would love to buy it from my local indie (Lou's Records in Encinitas, CA) but sadly they stock approx 10% of the titles that they used to, and literally don't have the money to front for special orders.  So the internet is the only place I can get stuff like this.  Viva Amazon!! (and thanks for the tip,

How're y'all muhfuggers making BOLD and ITALICS and shit?  Is it some of that HTML voodoo that I never bothered to learn? /b test b/