Satanism Q Muskrat

Howzabout the old Beat Farmers gem "Happy Boy"?
My little dog spot got hit by a car (hubba hubba hubba hubba hubba)
Put his guts in a bag and put 'em in a drawer (hubba hubba hubba hubba hubba)
'Cause I'm a happy boy (happy boy!)
Oh I'm a happy boy (happy boy!)
Oh ain't it good when things are going your way HEY HEY!

Not yet, but as I mentioned above, I think I may have to buy it for my daughter so I can read it too.

Agreed.  Her style is distinctive, in that I can always identify her work when I see it.  When I first saw the cover of The Mysterious Benedict Society, I knew I had to force my daughter to read it, just because it had a Carson Ellis cover and illustrations.  Too bad the author didn't retain her services for the

You mean Boris Karloff's sidekick?

Better than getting Warren Jeffed, I bet.

Agreed.  I spent several hours playing it in the past week, and while most levels are relatively easy, sometimes the wonky physics would really chap my hide.  How is it that most other riders are flying by me when I have full Speed and Acceleration upgrades?  Bizarre.  And are the characters you can use just for

Wow, that's nutty.  I'm using IE8 and just don't see it.  The like, reply and collpase all appear when I hover, and I can see time since posting and # of likes.  I'll try later on Chrome or Firefox.  Thx all.

What is all this flagging you guys speak of?  I absolutely do NOT see a "flag" or "report" button anywhere around here.  I have like, reply and collapse…

Evan, I believe the satanic panic to which you refer actually originated in the attic.

Strangely, she's not actually smiling in this pic. Her face always looks like that.

Not your best work, Wesley.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, FTW.

Speaking as a longtime registered user who frequently posted unregistered comments (sadly, none that you'd remember/applaud), I have to admit that I'm a bit sad to see unreg comments leave us. I guess I could register with another user name to let out my less than gracious comment urges, but I think that will defeat

Seeing as how I'm apparently ancient too, I'll throw in here as well:
Saw them in San Diego at SOMA in April 1995 when they toured with Weezer. AoL completely blew Weezer away.

Wesley Willis Whips A Camel's Ass
I would love to hear ol' Wesley's take on the Smurfs. Where he at?

Krokus! I worked with a dude who played bass in Krokus. Total burnout, as you might expect. Married to a former Penthouse playmate though, so there's that.

So the only time I've cried at the movies (besides ET when I was 9) was at the end of Life Is Beautiful. Roberto Benigni may be a clown in the first half but the second half and the end are both incredibly moving.

Agreed, Prig. Could become a problem if the boss walks by while it's running tho.

Those pants cost six hundred dollars!

Oh yeah: also check out the Royal Bangs, whose new rekkid is out today and conspicuously absent from these reviews. They rawk at least as hard as Obits, if not moreso.