Satanism Q Muskrat

No, by all means, score this and I Blame You. While this album may be a bit of a sophomore slump, Froberg will doubtless come roaring back on the next one. And don't miss them if they come to your town; they put on a helluva rocking show. Last summer they played San Diego with the Night Marchers and the last few

and then I forgot to mention that most of it is available to read on Google Books, which doubtless pisses off Sue Mingus to no end.

I had to login to also recommend Tonight At Noon, Mingus' wife Sue's take on the man and his eventual demise. It is an engaging read on its own, but particularly interesting for the story of his decline and death in Mexico, which he obviously didn't cover in Beneath The Underdog.

Caroliner Rainbow released a record some years back that was allegedly coated in cow blood (or similar). I recall seeing it described in a mail-order catalog as "unspeakably filthy". I think that's about as far as Gang of Four could take this "blood" gimmick without declaring the record a biohazard (illegal to ship

Pre-ordered the red vinyl of False Priest as I've been digging these guys for a few years now. When I first heard them, Kevin's voice annoyed me but I got over it with the help of their peppy beats and bubbly basslines. I've since collected most of their output on LP's, as Polyvinyl makes really nice records. I

Shit, me too! Mine got stomped by a mean, boot-wearing Mexican kid when I was in kindergarten. My mom refused to replace it, and I had to brown-bag it for the rest of my elementary career. Wow, that was 1977.

Makin' Movies
In 1987 (8th grade for those of you in my age group), I'd get together with my geek ass friends and make "videos" of songs we liked. I distinctly remember lip-synching "Know Your Rights" from Combat Rock while jumping around my living room. I still have the tape somewhere, and no, it will never appear on

Y'know, as a longtime Pixies fan I picked up his first solo record when it came out, and I was decidedly underwhelmed. I basically (read: completely) ignored his stuff until Bluefinger came out, as it sounded to me like a lost Pixies record. My 9 year old daughter loves Captain Pasty, and would likely love this new

@ Mr Apollo: I have a single cassette version with both Waxworks and Beeswax together. I found it in the cutout bin of the Wherehouse for $2.99 and it immediately became my favorite tape when I was 15. Wow, was that really was over 20 years ago? I guess it was.

Ah yes, I too used to mix tomato juice and beer for my old man when I was a mere stripling. His preferred recipe: Two inches of tomato juice (usually from enormous cans) + 1 can Bud poured ever so slowly down the side of a large plastic tumbler, to avoid creating too much pink foamy head. And though he's Canadian, he

If you'd like my signed copy, you'll soon see it on eBay. Methinks the time has come (perhaps slightly passed, now) to unload my rare/signed Decemberists goods while the prices are still artificially exorbitant.

Everything that Froberg has ever touched has been rawknroll gold. This should be no exception. But fucking goddamn Sub Pop for not allowing DL's on eMusic. Looks like I'll have to buy it at Amazon now.

I used to dig these guys…in 2004
Meloy seems to have let success go to his head, as each album since "Picaresque" has been increasingly contrived and self aware. I mean, come the fuck on, the song is called "The Hazards of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle the Thistles Undone)"? Really? Was he trying to see

Ain't he gone yet?
Seriously, I thought Conan took his slot weeks ago. Clearly I don't watch enough late-night TV.

People, people. Put down the crack pipes and back away slowly. Watch the clip several times and it is clear that it is a crew member caught unawares. Why else would they look up at the camera like that? "Oh SHIT! They're shooting right now? FUCKK!!" If it was supposed to be anything else (and I freely admit that they

Didn't eat it, but…
I swear to god we had one of these in the pantry when I was a kid. If I remember right, I convinced my mom to get it at the store because I thought it sounded "cool" to have a whole chicken in a can. Were there feathers? Did it still have a head? It all added to the mystique.

Agreed, kind Jim. See my note above.

Damn, son. You could have taken that all the way to hilarity town by completing the quote:
Really?, I served with Query Garcia; I knew Query Garcia; Query Garcia was a friend of mine. Really?, you're no Query Garcia.

Got-DAMN but do I love a good limerick! More, please.

Hey!! I just noticed your humorous screen name, "Honey Bunches of Scrots". I always say that to myself when I pour a bowl of that delicious breakfast food. I woulda spelled it "scroats", 'cause then it rhymes with "goats". But that's just me. Have a great day/evening!