I've been looking forward to this
since I first heard about it. I love Bridget's voice and the thought of an Unrest "reunion" makes me swoon.
I've been looking forward to this
since I first heard about it. I love Bridget's voice and the thought of an Unrest "reunion" makes me swoon.
Thirdsies on Legface's fine opine. Unicorns were good but Islands are better. Except for "Bucky Little Wing", which is a utter piece of cutesy shit.
Whither Hot Snakes?
Though you regrettably did not comment on them, I'd still like to hear your take.
Totally agree, Jim. I bought "Blow Your Cool" on cassette in 1987 on my first trip to a "real" record store (along with The Alarm EP on vinyl and a Shriekback 12" of Gunning for the Buddha). Their best songs are anthemic fist-pumpers, but on the whole the albums don't hold up. All their good ones can fit on a great…
"Does your husband / misbehave / grunt and grumble / rant and rave? / shoot the brute some / Myanmar-Shave"?
Anybody else notice that Soliel Moon Frye is now pretty hot? She just had another kid with her producer husband and there was a pic on People.com. No, I don't read People. com, there was a link on USA Today's Pop Candy. yes, I read USA Today. It's colorful.
We'll take some pictures, have some wine, take a few more pictures…say, why don't you boys remove your shirts?
Dear God
The single greatest indictment/rejection of Christianity is contained in the words of "Dear God" by XTC. That song is the sole reason that I am an devout agnostic/borderline atheist to this day.
Indeed, I gotta see me some of that. You Tube, take me away.
Minnie Driver
…really turns my crank. I think more hipsters should get a collective boner for her, not some anorexic 14 year old. I LOVE WOMEN!!
Nice one, Hemingway.
Friend of mine in high school was WAAAY into PWEI, as well as EMF, Jesus Jones, Ned's, and a few others that escape me at the moment. For some unknown reason, I always confused PWEI with Sigue Sigue Sputnik.
Howzabout the Soup Dragons?
Strange band, that. Went from Buzzcocks-lite to the Madchester head-bobbing thing in like 1 album. Lovegod was a great song, though. I might still have the tape somewhere…
I'm not sure that I "miss" Ned's, per se, but I do have fond memories of seeing them in Tijuana in…hmmm…1992? I believe Medicine opened and sucked ass, then Ned's came on an burned the place to the ground. On that tour they were selling shirts that read "did you miss [Neds' logo]" on the front and "then you FUCKED UP"…
Even in that getup I bet the lame Best Buy clerk won't recongnize you. You could even hand him a stolen credit card reading "Kimberly Deal" and he wouldn't put 2 and 2 together.
More love for Pod here, also from an old guy. Well, not really old, like 60 or sumthin'. But I bought Pod on vinyl when it came out. I guess that makes me a little old but mostly lame (like the Cannonball Kid above) for going all "firsties" on The Breeders. Haven't heard this record yet.
Why now?
Why did these shirts have to come out *just* after the end of the spring sale? I just received my standard issue (read: now totally BORING) plain AVClub tee in the mail. Why, oh why?
Perhaps it is meant to indicate that unlike "hard" liquor, Allen's routines are instead "soft". Like a soft drink. A long shot, I realize.