"Won't you come in, MISS LIAR!!"
"Won't you come in, MISS LIAR!!"
2. Uh, yeah. Hello? Penthouse, 1984. Cost her the crown.
William S. Burroughs had a character in Naked Lunch akin to the grey man noted above. "Bradley the buyer…He is so anonymous, grey and spectral the pusher don't remember him afterwards."
Nice M*A*S*H ref, bee man.
No, you did the right thing. Texas blows.
Uh, are you serious? Are hamsters really cannibals under the right circumstances? If this was a blatent falsehood or attempt at humor/sarcasm of some kind, then ha ha on me. If not, wow and holy shit.
Just a note here to say that Arnold Lobel whips the donkey's ass (with a belt). Frog and Toad, Mouse Tales, Mouse Soup…all awesome. He wrote AND drew all his shit.
Chuck Cunningham…that's a good one Jamoke.
Whispers are scary. That is all.
How long did it take you to come up with that?
Nutritional info, please
How much sugar do these "nauseatingly sweet" beverages contain? I'm guessing the fat content is zero since there's no actual ice cream involved, but I could be wrong.
Does this mean the time to unload my rare Decemberists shit has passed? Autographed tour-only EP's, hand-numbered poster, etc…are they worthless now that the tide has turned against the D's?
Bauhaus is weird and scary to me
Of all the bands/artists out there that "act" scary, Bauhaus always seemed to *mean it*, at least to me. Black metal, GWAR, any other similar fucks all seem to just go through the motions, but Bauhaus really scared the shit out of me when I was a youth.
Back in the day, Cocteau Twins records were a real mystery
Noel, I too knew the joy of making a "real discovery" when making LP purchases back before the internet. Those Cocteau Twins record sleeves, like many on 4AD, gave little clue as to what music was contained within. The best you could do back then was get…
Except for the snarky comment at the end, Dubrovsky here raises an excellent point. Regardless of the genre or its origins, the "music industry" wants only to make a buck as quickly as possible and will thus co-opt any band/movement with such potential. Anyone who hates on Green Day or Nirvana as "sellouts" for…
Very nice take on Jazz (with a capital J), lexi.
Holy crap do I hate the Carpenters. When I saw that they were on his list and *not* deleted, I nearly shat. Good songwriters maybe, but the arrangements and HER VOICE just scream "bloated 70's pop crap" to me. Your mileage may vary.
We had a cassette copy of Stump's "A Fierce Pancake" at the Record Shop (yes, capitalized) that I worked at and I always wondered what they sounded like. That cassette never moved once in the whole 9 months that I worked there…
I hate indian food. Tastes weird, stomach can't handle it.
ooh yeah shampoo/conditioner up the urethra makes for painful urination for the next 3 hours. I know, too much info.