Satanism Q Muskrat

My two cents
It's Immaterial was an English group extant from about 1980-1990 who released numerous singles and two albums to very little acclaim, though "Driving Away From Home" charted in the UK in 1986. Their debut Life's Hard And Then You Die was released on A&M records in the US and is one of my all time

OMG!! Donna is over 40!!

Awesome Minutemen refs, my friends. It seriously pains me to no end that those big-mouthed neo-nazi jaggovs have taken that name and ruined it forever. I bet D. Boon is spinning in his grave.

So Cal TV, through the 80's…
Pete Ellis Dodge
Long Beach Freeway
Firestone Exit

I'll be at a musical review of road songs from the 40's —> 60's. Am I gay? Nope, I'll be there with my wife, kid, and (urgh) in-laws. Fuck sports.

What all you sick fucks fail to realize is that Penny Marshall is making her kill list right now and all your asses are on it.

God. Duh.

Ah yes, goddamn iTunes. That explains it, thanks for the clarification.

Your alphabet's all outta wack
Maybe this has been addressed before, but how is it that you're coveing Amy (W)inehouse and Ani (D)iFranco in the "A" section? Everyone knows that you MUST alphabetize your collection by the first letter of a *band name* and by the first letter of a *solo artist's* last name. Amy

Nope. Everyone knows that the funniest office reactions came during the Jones Holiday Soda episodes. Remember "Oh, I hate it so much!"? Get with it, people.

The library
Look, this may ruin any comics cred I may have but I recently have been checking out a great number of comics collections from my (shockingly well-stocked) local library. I feel only slightly bad about denying the artists a sale, but the fact is there's no way in hell I would have bought and read Spent by

Clowes had disappeared
Speaking as a longtime (has it really been 15 years?) fan of Clowes, I too enjoyed seeing this in the AV Club. As noted above, I found it a bit dull, but a dull interview is better than no interview. However, I have to say that until I read this (and immediately bookmarked the NY Times mag site

This American is not uneducated, and I think, like many others, that unions have outlived their usefulness. Much like Social Security, which started out as a good idea but grew and mutated to the point where it is now seen as a "right" rather than a need-based program. The only group today that still needs union

david cross is a fucking cock
I believe David Cross to be painfully unfunny because unlike Lewis Black, his "angry" shtick comes across as forced and never yields the kind of cathartic laffs that Black does. Just my $0.02, which is even less in Euros.

Nice one, PhD.

HA HA!! You don't know what an eighth note is!

Sondheim's Skull
What's that thing on the side of his head?

Well played, Shredder's Pea Brain. Well played indeed.

Shit ZMF sounds more like Frank Booth than Frank Darabont. Or was that not what you meant, PMMJ? I agree that he needs his own column though. It would be at least as smokin' as Jim Anchower's.

Yes, YES! When someone said "Marathon" I immediately harkened back to my days as a would-be little leauge player hangin' by the snack bar gnawing on one of those caramelly numbers. Now THAT was a bar that got caramel strings on your shirt (or uniform, in my case).