Satanism Q Muskrat

What's with her name?
OK, so maybe her name is really spelled R-O-B-Y-N but Robyn Hitchcock has been using his moniker for much longer. Every time I punch those letters into Google, a reference to this flash-in-the-pan tramp comes up. He should sue.

Tow tows, I'm afraid you are mistaken. The best $9.99 I spend every month is for my 40 downloads from eMusic. I've scored a great number of the records on this list, as well as tons of previously unknown gems, totally legally and doubly cheap. I strongly recommend it to anyone who is a true "fan of music", as they

Howzabout "I feel like Mrs. John Lithgow when I put that in my mouth". Thanks, Achewood.

Agreed. Best…Taste…Test…EVER.

Howzabout Hot Xmas Sex Soda? I bet it would smell like Vulva, the new perfume that allegedly mimics the aroma of woman.

Nice one. If only my boss knew…

I've been doing this since January
After acquiring a job that required a commute in a car instead of a plane, I've been going through my entire collection of CD's week by week since early this year. I've come across a number of records that just don't resonate with me anymore, but I've also become reacquainted with

The vinyl version is boss
I got mine in the mail the day before it came out and it is well and truly awesome. Even though I already had several of the albums and many of the bonus trax, I had to pick it up for the sheer heft of 8 slabs of RH goodness. Coming in Spring: the same treatment for his work with the