be bo ba

On the bright side, though, at least your whole extended family actually knows what The Silmarillion is.

My parents were killed in a game of dodgeball, you heartless ass!

My parents were killed in a game of dodgeball, you heartless ass!

"Maggie jokes when she hears Sally Sitwell’s name that, “I think I
had her little play oven… you pull her hair, she’d cry or something.”
“This one kinda does that too,” Michael says."

"Maggie jokes when she hears Sally Sitwell’s name that, “I think I
had her little play oven… you pull her hair, she’d cry or something.”
“This one kinda does that too,” Michael says."

Holy crap! She looked just like Roger Sterling's second wife on Mad Men!

Holy crap! She looked just like Roger Sterling's second wife on Mad Men!

Yeah, I always think I'm going to hate it on rewatches, but then there's really so little Martin Short and so much other great stuff that I end up enjoying it quite a bit. Hell, that episode has the "blew my wad" bit, so that alone makes it awesome.

Yeah, I always think I'm going to hate it on rewatches, but then there's really so little Martin Short and so much other great stuff that I end up enjoying it quite a bit. Hell, that episode has the "blew my wad" bit, so that alone makes it awesome.

The transition from GOB's frantic "shou-shou-shou-shou" into Michael shushing him is excellent.

The transition from GOB's frantic "shou-shou-shou-shou" into Michael shushing him is excellent.


I think PCC has gotten a lot nicer in recent years. I live in the northeast corner of Pasadena and it's great up there in the hills.

The happier we'll ALL be.

You must be referring to Lance Bass.

Bro fuck yourself.

Awesome. Glad that she didn't Britta the interview.

Not a Kathy Griffin fan. At all. But I think that actually feeds into enjoying "The Cartoon", since every time she's on screen, I sympathize with Jerry: WTF is wrong with this horrible, unfunny, shrill shrew?

How I Aborted Your Sister!

I think this will be unanimous.