be bo ba

Wouldn't you feel the same way if it were you?

So in his fantasy of fighting suicidal terrorists on an airplane, where there's a chance everyone on board will die, his kids are there, too? And he's flying first class?

Holy crap. I made it 2:51 into that last video before my mind melted (that was right after the word and the circle and the line and the man and the wall and something-something my Father). Never saw the show, but was aware of it's reputation, and even from Milch's quotes from the audio commentary. this sounds totally

It wasn't even a burger! It was a sandwich!

Or… they could have made her fall unconscious in the woods, and get menaced by a cougar! With no way to defend herself! It's the best of both worlds!

I won't lie - I opened this review just to see if someone had made that joke. You did me proud, @avclub-37e5fa01ac8fcad77aabe4d859e0235d:disqus !

I think there's been a rape up there!

I prefer Clock Soccermom.

It's too fucking early in the week for my life to be changed forever. I just can't take it today.

I think the working title is "2".

"Great stuff" doesn't begin to cover it. O'Neal, I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're a goddamn national treasure. Don't ever change, you beautiful sonofabitch!

Brett Ratner:

Do I have to come on my own face to be a member?

Godammit, @avclub-d155e6847d268061f3d8cd008a44a202:disqus , that's my favorite Dragnet-tip, too!


Oh god it's too late run while you still

Agreed. It starts to feel like they had bits of dialog they couldn't work into a story line, so they chopped them up and dropped them at the start of each episode.

Best Alt-Text Ever!

I think it's impressive the way each of these episodes ties in pretty much every little piece together, but I agree that the way they tie them in feels a little tired. I think the ideas in this episode would have been handled a little more deftly a few seasons back.

Finally a movement I can get behind!