be bo ba

You're not alone. I think a lot of the positive comments so far about Meaney are people who like him as an actor in general. But I think he's hammy and over-acting in every scene. His performance is the definition of chewing the scenery.

Agreed @avclub-fcd4c889d516a54d5371f00e3fdd70dc:disqus . I really thought there would be someone else sitting there, and it would have gone a long way towards redeeming that scene for me. Instead, all we had was a mustache-twirling villain explaining to the audience that he is a mustache-twirling villain, and he's OK

I saw that too. I'm sure they film at least some pickup shots as needed, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do the whole runway show twice in a row. After all, it's still a TV show, and no one wants to do only one take and find out they missed something crucial.

I actually did a Tiger Woods-style "yes!" fist pump when I opened the article to find this photo.

I wear spandex bodysuits because it's cold out. You wear them because of FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH.


"For every show where people believe stupid things and are right, there
should be a thousand where the believe stupid things and suffer for it."

Is that "drifter-murderer", or "drifter/murderer"?

Don't be fatuous, @avclub-1eb590c1259ff05809830227e2b7e782:disqus.

There's a new daddy in town - a discipline daddy!

So Voldemort had to be circumcised before he could be killed?

Yeah, I'm with Big Stein on those. They look pretty damn good.

I was working at an event on Saturday in LA and the modern rock station KROQ had a booth set up. They had a "DJ" who was basically just playing one song after another. I was amazed that about 85% of the playlist came from the mid-late 90s when I was in college. The college students around me at the event were totally


God, I really hate her featured episode about Jerry being the devil. We're supposed to buy that this unfunny one-woman show presented by this horribly unfunny woman is a big off-Broadway success? Please.

What would have happened if Bartman was a 6'2" ex-Marine? Or a firefighter? I wonder how the fan/media reaction would have changed. Would people have dressed up as him for Halloween and picked on him mercilessly the way they did for a geeky-looking, headphone wearing scrawny guy?

Sean, I've said this many times, but don't ever fucking change.

In "The Seven", when we see Christie on the street with Elaine, I'm pretty sure we only see her wearing a long coat - we can't see what's underneath. That's what's so VEXING!

I get that reference, and I love it.

This sword is engraved as a gift given after the "FIRST Battle of Bull Run"!! But how would they know it was only the first battle? It's a fake!