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<fieldset>I'm typing in HTML! It's like 1998 all over again!</fieldset>

Godammit, @avclub-4ce000edd5012969a87a83d06ea8f914:disqus , don't ever change!

I generally appreciate them, but I feel guilty for it. It does feel like they're going in and changing the past - I remember seeing a special on Raiders years and years ago when they showed how the same scene was shot. Ever since then, I could see the glass wall between them. I don't know if it really needed to be

How is it that it took until this point in the comments for someone to bring up Joe Francis? I agree with Todd: they're going to make JOE MOTHEFUCKING FRANCIS look sympathetic? Like HE'S the one that got bullied? God, I hope his H8R is the woman from the LA Times who wrote that article about him being a bully and a

I think the Gentleman's F is more fitting. A pure F implies a level of shittiness that you might actually want to see. The D- means there's not even any morbid curiosity factor.

I thought this was a complete rehash of every season finale they've done before. It wrapped up the season-long storyline in an abrupt, stupid way (Michael catches the guy responsible, and the guy takes a nose-dive off a building) while introducing a new handler for Michael (who is, as always, wrapped up in his stupid

Yeah, not great at all. I should have known when Wynn Duffy showed up that he would be up to no good. But I thought the montage of previous handlers was just a big FUCK YOU to everyone who had been watching for a while.

I'll be damned if I don't get a little misty-eyed at the end of 3 when Doc comes back to give Marty a framed version of their old-timey photo.

I guess you're not counting "Dick Tracy". That's probably for the best.

This isn't a huge laugher for me, but it's all worth it for George's harried explanation. "The woman on the horse!"

Crazy, unchecked sexual attraction.

I'll see your Remo Williams in the jungle, and raise you a Pluto Nash in the rainforest!

Pepper Dennis?


Google photos of her in 1971. "Absurdly striking" isn't nearly strong enough.

Who in hell is actually buying a fucking DVD of a show like this? I can't get season 2 of "Better Off Ted", but I can buy "Storage Wars"? Can they really make money off producing and selling these things?

Not sure how Dave Grohl has barely aged in 20 years…

For me it's the "I'll shave my (bleep)" line that pushes it over the top to hysterically awesome.

I never understood that. He was 900 years old in Empire, so in the prequels, he was maybe 850 at the youngest? Like he's really gonna look any different from 850 to 900. Fuck Lucas.

"That's so wizard, @SurlyDriver:disqus!"