be bo ba

My guess is that Lucas took the puppet out of storage a day before the shoot when he found out that there wasn't time to CGI in Yoda. He told Frank Oz he had one take, only using the available room lighting. And then he pissed on the puppet to make sure no one else would use it again.

I prefer "Eat It".

I saw the trio at the Palladium in Hollywood around '97. That was pretty incredible.

Agreed. I wasn't down with the stylistic changes they tried on Messner.

Jesus, they were #1 for FIFTEEN WEEKS? I was born in '79 so I'm a little young for them, but still I couldn't name (or sing) a single REO song if my life depended on it.

I was looking forward to this album, and it sounds like it turned out pretty much as I expected.

They were a pretty great pair.

Although the movie has aged better than the guys in the Stealers Wheel video. Yikes.

Hi Burl!

I agree that they're both big stones, but I think that she has the idea that changing one major thing in her life might help make things better. She's obviously in denial about her relationship with Lee, so she fools herself into thinking that it will all be better if they can just make a clean break and start fresh

Yeah, that whole family is pretty bad at coming up with names on the spot, huh?

Absolutely. And Jessica Walters' intonation is awesome.

One of those guys
I'm always happy to see him show up in a film. He's never one of the names that makes me say "I've gotta see that movie", but he usually helps make them better. And "In Bruges" was great, of course.

Wow, that was a terrible waste of time sticking them in there. I don't remember them being anywhere near that ridiculous in the tv movie. All I could think of was the Andys from "Hot Fuzz".

John Beard really was great (on AD and on the real news).

I like them, but I see a lot of people have the same issue as you. My bigger concern is what happens after they're together. I just don't want the show to turn into The Office, with everyone having relationships with everyone else.

Agreed. That line fucking killed me. That might have been the first time I actually had to pause any show because I was laughing too hard.

That's my favorite Perd line ever:


Would they really say TITS twice in a row on network TV?