be bo ba

I'll get started:

Godammit, Wesley, never change.

I wanna play the redneck wife beater caricature!

Welcome to foot…

Well, I'm sure there will be plenty of time for comparing the two series over the next several weeks, but I generally agree with you. I think Michael was pretty decently characterized through season 2 (with occasional flashes of brilliance), but things just got more cartoonish from there (as they tend to do on

Love him
I'm 32 and not ashamed to admit that. He was a formative part of my childhood. I got his autograph outside a Dr. Demento live showcase in '88 or '89 (along with Tiny Tim - my mom made me ask for his autograph because she said he looked so sad that no one wanted it). I also saw him give a live show at a county

I'm glad Todd is doing these write-ups
I think you hit on a lot of great stuff here. I always forget that David Brent is pretty clearly *not* always an obnoxious boss - it's only when the cameras are on. That really helps to humanize him if you're paying attention.

I'm amazed
I really had no idea that this show started TEN YEARS ago. That's really amazing to me.

It's gotta be pretty high on the list, for sure.

I watched a bit of that music video
And I'm not sure how there could ever be any reasonable discussions of it.

Thirded. He hits every (ridiculous) note just right. I love his little panic attack when the two Lucilles get back together.

I can't believe the legs would screw him like that!

I'm here for the magic…

Nail her for all of us!

Still better than George Lucas' clones.

In the Nacy, where you can sail the seven seas,
In the Nacy..


Awww, wook at the widdle contestants!

Sean, please never stop using that picture. It makes me think of all the FILE PHOTOs the Simpsons used to use when showing Homer on the news.

Sean, please never stop using that picture. It makes me think of all the FILE PHOTOs the Simpsons used to use when showing Homer on the news.