be bo ba

I never got this line as a kid. Understanding it as an adult brought me such joy (especially as someone who had worked at a university).

I've never seen her anywhere in the city, and now I feel a little cheated.

Pretty sure most 9-year-olds also remember to write "My name IS Dylan…"

Agreed - I just started last week and it's very easy to enjoy!

I was telling my brother about this podcast and mentioned the same thing; it's really shocking how many horror movies came out in the first 19 months of the 80s that they've covered so far. Then I tried to think of another time in American film history where something like that has happened and came up blank. Maybe

I certainly get what you're saying. I think in that situation, I really don't know who was going to tell him "no, you can't do this" though.I think the conductor didn't want to risk causing any problems, so he made it my problem to solve. Honestly, it didn't help that the kid's technique wasn't great either, so

I don't think he was actually a music major - he had played in high school or something. So no one was really teaching him anything. He might have gone on to play some jazz (which is probably a lot easier, because you can listen to recorded versions of the music to learn it, and you don't really need a conductor if

Or Fred Armisen!

God help me, maybe I shouldn't open this can of worms, but here goes.

Yeah, I was hoping he'd get something better than this.

"Shitheel joins network for shitheels! Film at 11."

So let me get the chronology straight here:
TV show in the 70s
2 movies in the 00s
TV show in the 10s
And now another movie reboot of a property NO ONE CARES ABOUT in 2019

Shit, I would sign up for the Air Force in a heartbeat if I had a chance to pilot one of them new Norwegian Blues!

I had to take my then-girlfriend's (now wife's) high school aged brother to see it. He was visiting from Asia and was really shy; he could speak English, but didn't really want to. He wanted to see Pirates 3, since he had liked the first two films. However, he hadn't seen the second one since it came out, and really

I had to restrain myself from shouting "What the fuck?!" but only because I was on a plane and that would have been very awkward. I was so goddamn furious at the Depp reveal.

I think you're actually describing an environment similar to Reagan's last year's in the White House. A desire to talk at great length about whatever took his fancy (primarily his old films) combined with an inability to focus on what needed to be done. It's like the Dear Leader has been resurrected!

Probably more accurate to call it "The Twist" of movies, in that Chubby Checker released "The Twist," which was a huge hit and started a massive craze, then followed it with "Let's Twist Again," "Slow Twist," and "Twist it Up."

Christ, I only got about halfway through that book and had to take a break. That was… about 8 years ago.

That picture of them infuriates me. Did Trump actually wear a fucking suit to the ball park? His shirt has cufflinks for chrissakes! Hell, even O-Reilly dressed down a bit.

Hell yes, Book It! I think I still have the pin I got from them lying around somewhere…