be bo ba

Done - thanks for the motivation, all!


And dressing like a GODDAMN JEDI every goddamn day! People have said this here many times before, but it bears repeating - George Lucas retroactively making Obi-Wan's Tatooine-hermit robes into the standard monastic-chic attire for the entire Jedi order was monstrously stupid.

She walked into the cantina with purpose, her long, green legs heading in my direction. The desert sand clung to her for dear life, and looking at those curves, I could understand why…

Could be Obi-Wan plus some local scoundrels from the local watering hole who don't care that he's got a light saber.

A commenter on this site about a year ago suggested the idea of basically making Seven Samurai with Obi-Wan protecting a village from Jabba and/or sandpeople. I would watch the shit out of that.

He knows What Women Want!

I'll drink to that! One of my favorite places to visit. Not only is the beer incredible, but the pizza bites are delicious!

One of the great things about reading that book in the YouTube age is being able to instantly pull up every video they talk about. In his chapter (titled A Whopping, Steaming Turd) Billy tries to mount a half-assed defense of his performance in that video, but I think it's one of the crew or producers who says

My brother works on AD, so this is very good news for him!

I got a Terriers notification for this?

A Blaffair to Rememblack!

Funny, I felt exactly the same way. Maybe it was hearing the words "series wrap."

They already tried that with the ABC series "Daybreak". It was a fun show, but didn't last long…

Is it witches? I bet it's witches.

That must have been a small painting. Or a large motorcycle.

Dammit, now you're making me misty-eyed…

And then make Sleepy Hollow a town with a bunch of unexplained events that may or may not be coming from an alternate universe that wants to destroy us! TV gold!

It's funny, I really loved that moment until we stated rewatching the whole series recently, and he calls her correctly several times throughout the run. There's an early S3 ep where Astrid even points it out ("Walter, you said my name right!"). Kinda took the shine off that finale moment a bit for me.

Are you saying that you just want to spend more time in that universe? Or that they did such a bad job with the trilogy that you would welcome a reboot?