Doctor Conquester

Brilliant in its simplicity. Their surprise knockdown/explosion bits are always my favorites…especially the exploding-flour door buzzer, which exploded with such force that none of the guys could even bring themselves to laugh. Seriously, Dave England's meek "What just happened to me?" while obviously flour-blind is

Great character. Joe Lo Truglio has never been better-utilized than he is here. I'm happy for him.

Agreed - the writers aren't missing a single opportunity to build their universe. The sandwich isn't at all essential to the plot, but it certainly tells a story.

You're right, it's comedy first and foremost…but boy, I sure have learned a lot from 'em. Almost an embarrassing amount of stuff.

That show deserved better.

This show does two things that make me think it could be special. 1. It can build its universe and be funny even in throwaway moments ("What did I tell you about doing voices?""I'm a storyteller, sir. It's my craft."), and 2. It's very good at playing with tropes (the whole interpretive dance, and the "Black people

The flashbacks were totally worth it for the Boyle/dollhouse exchange alone. Grandma bought it for both of us!

Shame on me. I looked at the guests and just assumed it'd be an Andy Samberg-style brodown, but with chicks. I was pleasantly surprised.

76 comments? That's it? Move this shit back to Friday before it dies. Nobody wants to talk about podcasts on Monday morning.

Don't forget Alice in Chains.

That's what happens when interns are in charge of episode descriptions.

Mark it on your calendars.


Agreed. His first appearance with Amy Poehler (who was every bit as amused by him as Maria Bamford was) was comedy gold.

It was fucking terrible. And everyone just ate it up! People fucking EVISCERATED The Killing (which, granted, DID deserve the criticism, and is nowhere near as good as BB) for EXACTLY this type of bullshit.

I think it was the "Tapas the Morning to Ja" that really sent her over the edge.

Man, Nick Kroll and Paul Scheer really seem to bring out the best in each other. Baba Booey.

For sure. He may not be the most accomplished, but his presence changes the dynamic for the better moreso than anybody else's. I'd have no problems calling him my favorite.

Oh man, and the one with Kaitlin Olson and the guys from Superego (playing Paul's grandmothers). We gotta try and make this happen.

Also, the Womptaculars seem to be the only episodes where Scott plays a character - even if it is just an exaggerated version of himself as a leering perv - and I always get a kick out of it.