Doctor Conquester

Oh for sure. Listening to Sanz, Bobby Moynihan, Tim Meadows, Taran Killam and co. outside the confines of SNL was a revelation. Told me everything I needed to know about what that show does with talented comedians.

An all-timer! RIP Sheriff Lomax.

Agreed, it's still one of the best, but 2013 was not a good year for the show. Lots of mediocre stuff, especially during the summer months.

Yeah, those summer months were pretty dire for the show. Their best moments came pretty exclusively after a week off, leading me to believe that they just generally have more going on now, and it's taking it's toll on the show. I'm genuinely worried it won't last much longer.

I don't want to give Andre Braugher too much credit for elevating the material since the material's already really good, but his delivery of lines like "That's why I decided to change everything about my life." is killer.

Spot-on. The show is very good at redeeming otherwise-silly moments with big laughs - this being the finest example yet.

It was his self-portrait that really got me. "It's not good, is it?"

I think they sort of implicitly did all episode-long.

It was a really good year for CBB. Just taking a quick look, it seems like it'll be tough to pick 10.

No on both counts, but yes, it was a fantastic episode.

I love Howard and Kulap like crazy, but WC? really seems to benefit from the occasional shake-up. This last week's was top-notch, and I also remember liking the Kulap/Armen Weitzman pairing from earlier this summer. Also, Emily Gordon should be permanent #1 on the Ku-Ku alternate list.

If that's the one where he does the bit about his Popcorn.com venture, I take it back…that was a good goof. Dr. Bronner is my least favorite character, but you're right - I'm sure I could find an episode where I didn't laugh once.

A rare dual-dud offering from CBB last week, but holy shit does today's episode make up for it. Mookie Blaiklok is on my Hot List, whatever that is.

I love James Adomian, but his Dr. Bronner character represented the nadir (RIP Rabin) of my CBB experience.

It's really a good character. Just a touch of sad-sack, but he clearly has sophisticated tastes, and he seems weirdly self-assured.

He's killing it every week. I'm so happy someone finally gave Joe Lo Truglio a good, well-thought-out, genuinely funny character to play. Guy's been wasted in lots of stuff.

And delivered without an ounce of shame or hesitation. Boyle seems to be a shame-based individual, so it's probably not too hard to make him feel bad about his quirks - so the fact that he was so assured in his reasoning just made the line that much funnier.

Still the best bit the show's ever done. And it has 5 full years of competition.

I suppose this is the appropriate time and place to admit that I enjoy John Hiatt's "Cry Love" (from S.1 Ep. 4 "Key Decisions") WAY more than I should. It's a bit overdramatic and shouldn't really work within the show, but damned if it does. Good little song regardless. I still YouTube it from time to time.

HAS to be the blowjob scene from The Shining. The way it slowly unfolds as Wendy watches through the door, its pitch-perfect placement (so much tension already, and now we have to deal with THIS?), the cold zoom and joyless stares…no scene unnerves me the way that one does.