Stronger on the inside

prediction: season finale reveals lee pace's character to be an alien robot and the show goes full alternate 80's future sci fi

lee pace remind anyone of a younger kevin spacey at times?

i get what you're saying, but they just didn't have enough personal interaction to develop romantic chemistry, so in that regard i agree with the review. what i meant was that her asking him out didn't seem weird, because they had enough basic chemistry where i could see her wanting to give a date at least a chance.

i kind of disagree with the lack of chemistry between the female and male leads.. they didn't get a TON of screentime together, just the two of them, and especially near the end, you could tell she thought he was sweet/generally believed in him/whatever. that was enough for me. if anything, you didn't see richard

Every time Morgan opened her mouth she embarrassed herself and made me uncomfortable, what an absolute moron.

I lost a little interest when I heard the cancellation news, but I still really enjoyed this season. I don't think it will get picked up by a Netflix type, because can you imagine anyone getting through the first season and thinking "WOW WHAT A GREAT SHOW"?.

i get why you'd criticize a lack of women on the show, but when monica brought up the "2% women" point it kind of makes sense. the show should get a pass for season 1 to establish the main cast. if by the end of a potential season 3 we're still complaining about no strong female characters, well that's a different

your second point is great, i never noticed that, but it's totally true.

Mildly unrelated, but watch "7 minutes in Heaven with Mike O'Brien" on youtube to see awesome stuff with him.

i can't help but wonder if there will be a kree tie in involving coulson during guardians of the galaxy.. maybe in the credits? not super likely, but wouldn't be out of marvel's bag of tricks

he murdered like a lot of people in cold blood, attempted to murder fitzsimmons, but yeah hey let's forget about all that.

for next season, i would be okay with them coming up with a few jet scenes and reusing them to establish a setting and rerouting dollars to focus on the actual sets themselves. arrow has half the budget and still manages to make vancouver look like a thousand different places.

i'd watch it if chris hardwick wasn't mind-gratingly irritating

that's ANOTHER key :(

this episode would've been fine as say, episode 9, but with two episodes left it was kind of boring. i don't care about trubel, i care about the other ten plots

Skye is definitely a lot more likeable now, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to get around her being a hacker that lives in a van but also has perfect skin and hair always. I get that it's TV, but yikes, put her hair in a bun or a ponytail! Give her glasses!

I feel like Sasheer is being forced into more scenes than a new player normally would be, not sure what everyone is talking about

Did we watch the same episode? This was by FAR Melissa Mccarthy's worst. I'm extremely easy to please when it comes to SNL, but I barely laughed outside of the cold open (the best part), and MM was the worst part about that sketch. She's been playing the same character from The Heat and Bridesmaids for awhile now,

the reviewer was personally and irreparably hurt by "we bought a zoo" on that plane…

i think you're on a lonely island of opinion