Stronger on the inside

it's been confirmed the next cast is all new

petition to refer to island flashback oliver as "Isle-iver"

i liked this as a standalone episode, but as a finale it was incredibly underwhelming.

i got a few laughs the first time i heard jacob, but that's exactly it. it's the EXACT SAME schtick every time, there's no variation.

laughed out loud at jeff phrasing it "beating your daughter"

Jacob the Bar mitzvah boy is terrible, i have never laughed once at that character. he does the same thing every time and it;s not particularly funny, i don't get why this reviewer loves him so much

this episode was the most okay i've been with juliette in the whole series. she seemed useful, and was only the tiniest bit of annoying. progress?

hayden and gervaise competing for ciera's affection was ten kinds of awkward

literally every time they get a food reward late in the game all i can think of is how sick they must feel after.

this season has been fantastic, it'd be a shame if it didn't make it to season 3

yeah mrs garcia was obvious from the start, because torres would've been WAY too obvious

i hated juliette the least of any episode so far! she was almost cute in the trailer!

the girls had judith and decided getting guns was a better idea

agreed the decision making process was fucked on every level. i didn't find the fight that exciting because i was distracted by how glaringly bad everyone's tactical brain was. could the tank not aim down? was it just scattering shots into the wind to create confusion?

not really, that's a false parallel. do you automatically lose interest in any show that doesn't completely and thoroughly explain the villain's motivations? the governor had a family, snapped when they died, falsely believes he is the only one who can lead everyone to safety blah blah. that gets taken from him, so he

i've never understood why people try to attribute logic and ration to the governor's actions. he's NOT rational, he's a completely snapped in half psychopath. he has his weirdo reasons for doing things, but so do serial killers. i've always took that at face value. villains don't need complicated moral backstories

what do you mean "tyrese has child soldiers"? the two aren't related idgi

i took it as showing the depths of how fucked up he is. he's not being vindictive or malicious, he is literally just a psychopath who thinks he's doing the right thing. also raises and complicates the stakes for the coming attack on the prison. if it was just the governor and some lackeys, who gives a shit? but

"extensive medical training" doesn't override your basic human emotions and need for companionship… that's how abusive relationships happen.

stop watching then?