Handsome B. Wonderful

I thought you were Green Lantern.

The thing that gets me is the complete and utter lack of imagination of the crew when it comes to fighting the Borg.

Hey Kewpie,

Uhh what the eff are you guys celebrating about?
ONN has been a complete disaster. I DVRed the first few episodes and I desperately wanted to like it, but I couldn't do it.

Hey nerds
Stop freaking out.

Fuck all of you
All of you fat balding snarky hipsters can go suck it.

what Data, Geordi, et al. use on the show are called PADDs (Personal Access Display Devices).

Nope the best line was "Armageddon outta here!"

God I hate pretentious fucks like you. When we're overseas, it's not like we're eating SOLELY at fast food joints or chain restaurants.

All I know
is that Quinn's performance of "Say a Little Prayer" was so deliciously sexy.

Colt 45: It's What Space Pimps Drink!

When was the last time…
Jay-Z made a video game with him killing A-Rabs in the Middle East?

Yeah it saw it last night.

Oh and for the record, I'm not one of those pretentious douches that doesn't like good old fashioned violence.

Which means…

I give you the new Galen Tyrol
Only fatter and uglier.

Hey Ken!
Check out this headline:

Jesus fuck TF2 sucked
It speaks volumes to the complete hackery of Michael Bay that District 9 has far superior action than TF2 at a mere FRACTION of the budget.

That new movie previewed in front of D9
"Sorority Row"

Ah yes "The Adama Maneuver".