Handsome B. Wonderful

OK. So instead of serving 45 days for partially blinding a man while hurling racial slurs, he served 45 days for beating an already half-blind man while hurling racial slurs.

This article is right on the money. Can you imagine a '90s sitcom like Family Matters ending one of their episodes with a quote from "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" like Fresh Prince did, let alone a show nowadays? It just would never happen.

You may not believe me, but I was the one that inadvertently made the Guest post.

I've always wondered if Section 31 had their own plan to get the Romulans to join the war if Sisko and Garak's plan didn't come to fruition. Not to mention, did Section 31 ever find out about the plan, either in advance or after the fact, and did nothing?

I saw what you did there and *slow clap*

YES. Finally. Some Ben Wyatt fan fiction that involves Deep Space Nine.

Harry Kim, Hoshi Sato, Travis Mayweather. Remember anything about them?

Harry Kim, Hoshi Sato, Travis Mayweather. Remember anything about them?

*blushes* My neck ridges are flaring.

Because Benjamin Sisko has been the one and only non-white Captain of a Trek series (thus far), DS9 resonates for me (a Vietnamese American) in ways that TOS and TNG never will (let's forget VOY and ENT ever existed).

I'm assuming ALL of these ladies think the ideal Friday night date is talking to me about the intricacies of Deep Space Nine and how it's the most misunderstood Trek series, while I'm wearing my post-2373 Starfleet uniform.

I have blocked that miserable abomination of a movie from my mind.

*ahem* It's spelled Qo'noS, not Kronos.

Let's be honest, Ben Wyatt's Star Trek fan fiction would involve the greatest Trek series of them all, Deep Space Nine.

I lorf'ed myself last night.

Exactly! It's not hard to imagine a re-purposing of the EMH into an "Emergency Combat Hologram" that is used aboard starships during hostile boarding actions or deployed on planetary surface using field holo-emitters.

One minor nitpick: During that battle in the valley, wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity for Sisko and Co. to use the wide-beam setting on their phasers?

I really don't get all the hate I'm seeing directed towards Ben Affleck being the new Batman. The vast majority of Internet comments revolve around him being too soft, too shallow, or too "tabloid" to be the Dark Knight.

I love how Skinny Pete said "Voyager!" to Badger's Gamma Quadrant comment, when it was clearly Deep Space Nine.

The Gamma Quadrant and Tuleberry wine are actually from Deep Space Nine (incidentally the best Trek of them all). WAY TO MESS THAT UP SKINNY PETE.