Handsome B. Wonderful

I've been thinking about a potential storyline ever since last Saturday's announcement. The trick with a story like this is that there has to be a legitimate conflict between Superman and Batman that doesn't make either one of them look like chumps.

True. For the most part, Cadmus / Checkmate is unequivocally villains, set up to oppose meta-humans. However, in the JLU timeline, Cadmus eventually comes to terms with meta-humans around the Batman Beyond era. Amanda Waller even gives Terry advice in her old age. Man, I really love JLU.

Absolutely. They need to outfit her in the same fashion befitting a warrior. Give the damn woman some pants or some armor!

Agreed. Wonder Woman (especially Azarello's and Chiang's current comic book run) is the perfect character for a big screen adaptation. A warrior princess, disaffected by the isolationist views of her mother, leaves her island sanctuary to seek out The World of Man after Themsicyra is devastated by the tidal wave and

And who's to say that "The Right Thing" is to don a cape and become a superhero? Obviously that's the answer we all want (because we're watching a superhero movie), but in the Man of Steel universe, there is no expectation of a superhero.

Yes, the Black Canary thing was totally sarcastic.

I love how people are saying $630 million (and counting) is a "mediocre" box office showing. Man of Steel is often unfairly compared to Iron Man 3, which admittedly made a crap-ton of money this year ($1.2 B), but the movie was also a crap-ton of nonsense.

And by the way, I LOVE the Cadmus arc. JLU really was the pinnacle of comic book storytelling, regardless of whether it's Marvel or DC.

You don't think his life changed immediately as soon as he came out in the blue suit and made his presence officially known?

Sample Office Dialogue on The Avengers:

The moral conflict presented in Man of Steel is similar to the one introduced in Bryan Singer's very first X-Men in 2000. The world will fear anyone who has super strength, let alone heat vision and supersonic flight.

Comic book characters can never change or be re-interpreted! Ask Ed Norton, currently playing the crowd-pleasing Hulk in the blockbuster Avengers franchise!

Yeah I was pretty disappointed that the villains weren't defeated by being imprisoned in a giant spinning space mirror.

Who's to say that Zod would have allowed Superman to take the fight anywhere else? There's an explicit scene where Zod and Superman are fighting, they are tumbling into low Earth orbit, knock over the Wayne Enterprise satellite, and end up *exactly* where they started in Metropolis.

But that's exactly my point. Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman can easily be introduced in the JL movie. But the dynamic at play with a Superman / Batman team-up movie is that making an alien demi-god realize the necessity that he can't fight villains alone. Batman, as the epitome of the human outsider superhero, is

I'm sure Zod would have allowed Superman a full 2 weeks to graciously evacuate the Daily Planet and Metropolis. Because you know, villains have RULES.

Because people care SO much about Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Oh please. Can people stop with the same tired old criticism? That may have been true with Sucker Punch or 300, but Man of Steel was a good balance between character development and action.

Man of Steel wasn't that bad at all. I loved it actually. And no you're not the only one. I'm sorry, but a smirking Tony Stark and copy-and-pasting in Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johannsen doesn't make a movie good. Avengers was fun, but ultimately forgettable fluff.

Or maybe the reason why they're doing it is because they need to reboot Batman before they launch into Justice League and this prevents them from doing another underwhelming 'reboot origin story' like the Amazing Spider-Man.