Handsome B. Wonderful

This summer has been surprisingly good
for science fiction movies.

It's like someone barfed and voila this song was born.

Only a matter of time
before they try to reanimate Michael's corpse to bring to life the GREATEST ZOMBIE ENTERTAINER OF ALL TIME.

Douchey yes,
but not the douchiest.

Angels did it.

Turd Blossom
aka Rove

"He's history's greatest monster!"

It's fan fiction for the Ivory Tower types.

"the material on Sarah Palin presents her ill-starred national debut in the most plausibly sympathetic light yet."

I picked up a copy of "What If?" for US history.


I'd tap that.
Alia Shawcat would make a FINE Anne Frank.

My GOD man
The bricks…

Hey don't blame us
You should be flattered your loser of an ex-boyfriend still deems your sagging middle-aged tits worthy enough to stalk.

Nah, Obama can't be Tuvok (a full-blooded Vulcan) because he's a HALF-BREED.

My fanboy parts are tingling
Science fiction meet politics?

Amelie how DARE you
sully the good name of cheese fries!

In which case Charles…uh I mean String has Kevin strangle Jim in one of the supply rooms.

Yeah they majored in communications.
