Summit Fox

pretty incredible if you like being surrounded by thousands of obnoxious drunk people, millions of flashing lights that you cant keep track of, and thousands of noise sources that overstimulate your mind. maybe during the day would be better. I have had many mushroom trip experiences and in different scenarios, and

It is a terrible idea. I lived around 2 hours from Vegas for a few years and after seeing Knocked Up I had some friends who thought this would be a good idea. We picked up a whole lot of mushroom chocolates and got tickets to Mystere.

Agreed, their cover of "linoleum" used to get me pupped, curious to give this a listen

After listening to part of that, I feel this song was created for the sole intention of being turned into a Kidz Bop tune. i can imagine all the parts perfectly when the back up singers consisting of 4 - 9 yrs old kick in super hard

Besides the fact Linda Caredllini is beautiful, I am now wondering what Dee Schnider "Family Man" is like. I imagine him teaching his kids lessons is similar to the "I Wanna Rock" video. 

I am glad to see others showing and an understanding that Cracker does not need to be lumped in with this general group. I think its due to the fact that the general 90's listening rock fans only know "Low" which would lump them in this group.

Aerosmith is easily the worst rock band to ever gain that level of fame. I agree with Matt Pike fully on this, and I dont think there is any argument for them being considered a good band. They are the band that we sign others up for at Karaoke in order to piss each other off.

I agree and disagree. It is really easy to hate on these songs, and its kind of fun to see out of the box answers. At the same time, he might just really hate this song more than any other (and for good reason).

thats been on my mind since i first heard this song. The comment of this ripping off cecilia while the whole band is trying to be freddie mercury's voice is a spot on description

thats been on my mind since i first heard this song. The comment of this ripping off cecilia while the whole band is trying to be freddie mercury's voice is a spot on description

After watching that Nicki Minaj video, I cant help but to think of her as a some sort of muppet from the Dark Crystal. Is she really some sort of Jim Henson creation that was buried and left to be forgotten only to come to life through the radiation of a comet orbiting to close to earth or a syrum created by the US

After watching that Nicki Minaj video, I cant help but to think of her as a some sort of muppet from the Dark Crystal. Is she really some sort of Jim Henson creation that was buried and left to be forgotten only to come to life through the radiation of a comet orbiting to close to earth or a syrum created by the US

I am not sure either, but all they really need to do is have a cheesy dressing room montage in combination with an awkward almost pedophiliac relationship between an adult foreign soldier and a few 11 year old american boys and you got yourself a heart warming classic! I do think maybe an Al-Queda member that washes

I am not sure either, but all they really need to do is have a cheesy dressing room montage in combination with an awkward almost pedophiliac relationship between an adult foreign soldier and a few 11 year old american boys and you got yourself a heart warming classic! I do think maybe an Al-Queda member that washes

If they wanted to remake an 80's movie that touches on the political climate of the cold war at the time and replace USSR with (insert current nation who has pissed us off by not playing by our rules) they should have started with this - http://youtu.be/LmLqdHZfv9I

If they wanted to remake an 80's movie that touches on the political climate of the cold war at the time and replace USSR with (insert current nation who has pissed us off by not playing by our rules) they should have started with this - http://youtu.be/LmLqdHZfv9I

oh god i forgot about that one, almost as bad as Pat Dubar's post uniform choice projects Mind Funk and the even more horrendous Corporate Avenger - http://userserve-ak.last.fm…

oh god i forgot about that one, almost as bad as Pat Dubar's post uniform choice projects Mind Funk and the even more horrendous Corporate Avenger - http://userserve-ak.last.fm…

the weirder changes though came from the boston bands like DYS and SSD who started playing AC/DC bar rock, but in a not very good way. TSOL even had like some bad 80's metal albums there too if i recall.

the weirder changes though came from the boston bands like DYS and SSD who started playing AC/DC bar rock, but in a not very good way. TSOL even had like some bad 80's metal albums there too if i recall.