The Sixth Ninja

I had this problem, too. I decided to watch the first few episodes of season 2, and enjoyed them. That got me into the show. When the episodes I'd seen before came up again, I found them much funnier than I did initially.

E' dam time….

I'm not really interested in yet another Wonderland reboot, but this sounds promising. It's got an intriguing cast, I'll say.

The ending is stupid in a couple of ways (one of them is the book's fault). But it's top-tier Spielberg for sure.

See also: Jennifer Lopez

I guess I'm a little confused about why you even read this article, when you don't watch Breaking Bad or even like it. So…. you're a huge Britney fan? :-p

Hello, every single character on Six Feet Under!

I remember reading about a movie… I think it was the Care Bears movie… that revived a dead character in basically the way you described.

You spelled "Weird" right. That's wrong. This is… weird.

-If a girl shoots a guy with her boobies almost popping out of her unzipped catsuit, it's J. Scott Campbell.

The book is written in the form of a memoir by a self-taught historian. It is roughly chronological, but Claudius constantly refers to past events that shed light on current ones, and sometimes he goes into extended tangents about a supporting character's history. It's kinda… gossipy, honestly, though with obvious

Getting spoiled sucks. I've had the same experience. All the same, I've tried to assure you that knowing this spoiler is not going to take away the enjoyment you can get from the show. It seems that you don't want to listen to this, but I hope you will.

I get your anger, JMP, I really do. But this is not a major spoiler for Breaking Bad, honestly. It would have been a cheat for the show to end in any other way, I mean, the guy started the show with cancer. Is his death in any way surprising? It's what most of us expected. Now you know that the show will end on a

Reminds me of the New Girl ep where the traffic cop's motorcycle falls over. That wasn't scripted.

But in this storyline, it's Saul who needs to be redeemed. Carrie redeeming her public image doesn't matter that much, it's her relationship with Saul that's at stake here (partly coz that's what gives her access). The mental illness will always be a weakness that others can use, but it's also been a boon… it drove

I really enjoy watching Morgan Saylor. Yes, Dana is being annoying and sulky and unoriginal. She's a teenager with a very messed up life! But Saylor plays her well.

Okay, I saw the new episode. I enjoyed it, even the Dana stuff! It got cheesy, yeah, but Morgan Saylor is compelling to watch. Poor Baccarin is getting very little to do, but at least she got to do an "ugly cry" for a few seconds! Of course, I loved Carrie, Quinn is growing on me, and Saul… I think he's always been a

Just never did see that one. (Our festival skipped it!) And while I actually liked 2046, I don't retain much of a memory of it, so I didn't mention it. I'd say… inessential, but go for it if you want to see Wong Kar Wai in sci-fi mode.

Daisy is just a MacGuffin with boobies.